We only say "Bingo".
We only say "Bingo".
Trying to get rid of a murderer from your company is not evil.
The fact that the MiB says this:
the Titanic disaster
Nice. Some MC Escher-like thing. I can't make out the depth.
That was the confirmation, but it was intentionally ambiguous.
I wouldn't have minded it if they had left it there and postponed the reveal to the next episode, just to see who would catch on it.
Damn you beat me to it
Anyway, some call it the "train theme".
Just like many Indians will play the taxidriver, or many Asians will play the scientist. People need jobs. That doesn't mean they wouldn't like to play non-stereotypical roles.
Aaaaand Westworld finally gives us some HBO-style gratuitous nudity and sexposition. I've been missing that, said no one.
Conspiracy theory much?
No, the federal reserve is - while having some private components - a public bank
Most wars were fought under Democratic presidents.
What kind of odious public policy would he push?
"Central Banks only exist for one reason: to loan money to central
governments, put them into huge debt, and then take control of those
You need 60 senators to end a filibuster.
Trump was endorsed by 30 GOP senators out of 54. I wouldn't call that a strong party support.
I remember Jon Stewart celebrating the news that Trump was running for president. I wonder what he's doing now.
Isn't it Judge Dredd?
Isn't he the owner of the bar in Happy Days?
Holy shit, that was Arnold. FELIX IS ARNOLD