Because low weight gain and fast weight loss are awesomely healthy before and after pregnancy *thumbs up*
Because low weight gain and fast weight loss are awesomely healthy before and after pregnancy *thumbs up*
I really don't understand why prostitutes are targeted at all. The whole reason for making prostitution illigal is supposedly to prevent the abuse of women as prosittutes. So why aren't their Clients and their Pimps receiving most of the punishment? If it's not to protect them as victims,t hen why is it illigal at all?
And bad decision making/lower reaction times.
T. gondii does not cause brain cancer. We still get T. gondii; that's not even a question. higher miscarraige rate in women, etc, and possible massive behaviour changes that can lead to a surpising number of weird things, like more wreckelss driving. Kitty poop isn't the only wat to get it, though .Can also get it…
This also bothered me.
Are you sure they're not creepy and not driving you insane :P? I, personally, have always been insane. But I have also always had cats. Could be a correlation?
Damn! This isn't going to get old is it? ;) (Seriously. I loled.)
Maybe women are more liekly to develop brain cancer or soemthing? Older folks certainly are.
That doesn't prove that they're not polluting the brain with paracites, just that T. gondii doesn't cause cancer. Bad headline. Bad.
true; on all counts. But it has proven that it is not a 'death' sentence. Which should have meant this whole argument never took place. Never mind that it should never have taken place in the beginning, all other information aside.
No kidding.
Actually, chemo doesn't have a high chance of killing the kid. Beautiful, eh?
This story broke yesterday.
You know what's REALLY sad about this?
Having read that, I don't see exactly why he isn't allowed to have his opinions published whent hey're well considered. He has a past, yes, but not too much of a rpesent that would disqualify him. Also, there's no rape here. There's drug-induced insanity, there's bad behaviour, and there's attempted redemption. I…