Halba Sus

- Wake up.

I'm using google calendar for tracking documents.

spare pair of shoes ? why ? I mean of course a spare of everything could come handy, but I would think that a spare pair of underwear, socks, pants, tshirt could be just as handy... I'm curious why did you go with the shoes ?

Damn, I never knew chicken wings where so damn popular...

I came here to say exactly this...

What if I get in the passenger seat ? Or what if I just lay in the back minding my own business drinking beer while the car safely drives me home. As I understand the autonomous driving is quite boring, so I'm sure everybody will be on their laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc anyway... what difference does it make if

So how many of you are keeping (a certain percent) of their savings in bitcoin ?
The question isn't meant as a joke, though I do expect a lot of flame... I don't mind :D

Or you could have done your wedding in Eastern Europe :) Of course weddings here are pretty expensive too but guests bring gifts... gifts in form of cold hard cash (the rule of the thumb here is that each guest should give at least twice the estimated cost of the menu, but close friends and relatives usually give

The point of my original post is that the author was misleading people... making them believe that libre office is just as good as microsoft office with the minor difference that libre is free while MS Office is ~500$...

GIMP is awesome because you can do stuff without sacrificing unicorns. I look up to all the folks that work in open-source, I'm pretty sure they are not doing it for the money (yeah I know, there is money in open-source projects too... I guess...) and yet they end up with something that is totally usable. GIMP and

Well I personally consider my colleagues "computerrly challenged" ,most of them have troubles performing basic tasks (like forwarding an email if that's not in their typical workflow).

Now playing

If you like linux you should really watch this video (though it's kinda long, and it's called "why linux sucks" :) ). As the video points out there are great things in linux, the linux kernel for example, or the file system(s)... and in these aspects you could argue that it's superior to windows. But once you startx

I actually admire your work, mostly because I tried doing the same thing and failed miserably.

No it's not.
And no, I am a fan of open source stuff, our company servers run FreeBSD and I wouldn't switch to windows servers even if they would pay me. If you work in networking/programming and other hardcore IT activities usually you'll be a lot happier with open source stuff.

As I said, YMMV, my wife is a lawyer, she started her business around the time that I was "experimenting" with LibreOffice, therefore every document she made was made in Libre Office, since she doesn't have to deal with spreadsheets too often, and she doesn't get mixed formatting (from .doc documents that don't look

No, this is wrong ! It's bullshit, and you need to stop telling people that "libre office is just as good as microsoft office". What are you gonna tell next ? that ubuntu is a perfectly good alternative to windows 7 ?


I came her to say this...

BACON STRIPS BACON STRIPS BACON STRIPS... I'm going to youtube to see new posts :)

That's what I'm hopping for too... And I mentioned plex because they already have a popular DLNA server software, they already have the ability to stream to browsers, they already have an android app, and I bet there will be plenty of popular demand for a chromecast app.