
It’s creepy and ugly and badly merged with the scene. The amount of detail on that CGI face is through the roof compared to the girls face... At least do the effort of making them seem like captured by the same camera!

hmmmmmmmm, though it’s sort of adorable to imagine a version of me that would stop doing something simply because my boyfriend wanted me to, that’s not what happened here.

Man, that was fantastic.

No Sanders supporter owes Clinton their vote. The onus is on her to earn those votes, and if she can’t, then she’s flawed, not the voters.

It’s really hard to get the message the writer is sending when you don’t read more than the headline of the article.

A clarification: The guy in the photo is his former coach Eddie Jordan.

There is a vast difference between a state debt and a national debt. States, for example, don’t print their own money and that a quasi-centralized national bank doesn’t set different interest rates for different states. This is why states are usually required by law to balance their budgets — they only have the money

Unlike Louisiana, the federal government thankfully does not have an absurd requirement to have a balanced budget every year regardless of economic conditions, and the current ~3% of GDP annual budget deficit is pretty much universally considered perfectly sustainable to everyone with moderate economic knowledge

In Louisiana, the Legislature is legally required to adopt a balanced budget. The federal government has no such requirement, because our level of national debt is literally harmless and the debt of the United States likely produces a stabilizing effect globally.

Wow. If voodoo economics can’t work in Louisiana...

Also unnecessary but necessary to point out that these plumbers belong to a Union, the exact thing that Snyder has been trying to undermine.

Wu Ke mistake.

Yes because if there’s one agency that makes you think “widely respected and given sufficient powers of enforcement,” it’s the EPA.

The EPA funding, like ALL the consumer watchdog agencies, has been systematically gutted by the GOP for the last 40 years.

This is the dumbest thing I’ve seen on the internet in the last 37 minutes. And in internet time, that’s a millennium.

The real sin is hearing tons of Bostonians pronounce “carport.”

Detroit does not really support a pro football team.

Hi, normal lurker, first time commenter, and German.

LOL. Fantastic might be too strong of a word. There’s not even a way to view your report, net worth, can’t manage payees etc.

other than the fact that mint periodically doesn’t care that it can’t sync with major merchants, like say, oh, TARGET...

is YNAB worth anything? I have several years worth of data invested in mint so it would take something pretty special to get me to switch.