
If it makes you feel any better, I can tell you in two years I NEVER noticed anyone’s embarrassing purchases. Usually you’re working so fast and automatically you barely register there are people making these purchases.

Thing about that is that aliens, at least, are real.

He would have dropped his second green jacket on the day.

I wish them the best of luck and I hope their kids get out but... Maybe they should have been more careful before indoctrinating themselves and their children into a psychotic cult.

In typical Simmons fashion, it took him 273 words, 273 words that could have been spent talking about the chemistry of the Celtics and how it’s remarkable that they even got a chance to win 15 straight at home which is really attributable to Stevens (I mean, how freakin’ good does that hire look now??? Talk about

Eh, I get your point, but nobody said that about Bush in 2000. Remember, 9/11 hadn’t happened yet. The argument against him, at the time, was that he was an unqualified, unserious, culturally retrograde doofus running against the sitting Vice President.

Get real. If you can’t appreciate a great play like this, of this absurd reaction and perfect stick placement - the details of which are only apparent when slowed down to 1 fps - then there’s something wrong with you, not hockey.

Yeah, I’d rather watch two replays of (maybe?) a catch and then cut to that commercial about that rascal Cardinals fan stealing part of his picket fence and getting caught by his wife. That silly goose!

Shut the fuck up.

Hey, the game is not for you. And that’s okay. Nobody says you have to like it. If you look at a tape of one of the most incredible saves a goalie will ever make and say ‘This is everything wrong with hockey’ then the game is not for you. May I suggest golf? It has a much slower pace and it’s pretty easy to tell