
Spoiled people problems.

First of all, having seen the original Ghostbusters hundereds of times, I can safely say that they were not all that great either.

Hush. George Zimmerman is trying to figure out what to do with himself in his spare time. Don’t give him any ideas.

OMFG the dark sword.

The law enforcement career path tends to attract shitty human beings.

Except Dark Souls was - for all it’s bullshit - amazing.

It’s going to get better now that the show has moved past the books. HBO is in charge now.

Par for the Ubisoft course... Ban players for a mistake the developers made.

Fuckin’ A. I chose knight and beat the first three bosses each on the first try. Wouldn’t have gone that way with a different class...

I fucking hate you right now. I swore I’d NEVER be teamcop, and now here I am...

Freelancing is not that easy for everyone. You got lucky.

Is that you Jia?

She seems exhausting to me too. But maybe that’s what you need to be as a parent. I mean, she’s not exactly doing it for herself.

Um. Tailgating is the reckless behavior here. There’s no danger if you keep a safe following distance.

Only in America.

Don’t be a tailgating asshole, and this kind of shit won’t happen to you. It really isn’t that hard.

Sadly yes. Because idiots are unpredictable. Many times I’ve moved to change lanes, only to find asshole tries to go around me - without signaling.

It totally was. Him driving too close to the car ahead of him puts everyone else’s life in danger. People who can’t respect their vehicles or handle them responsibly get no sympathy.

True story. I had no idea who Kanye was till he hooked up with Kim.

But what if she really didn’t write it? This piece has the tell-tale signs of pro copywriting.