
A reminder: The President of the United States is pretty much the LEAST important office you vote for. Vote every time you can, for every position that you can, at every level of government that you can. Keep voting year after year, until the people that think that basic health care should be something that you “earn”

Too bad a bunch of people will pull the “IF SHE HAS NOTHING TO HIDE WHY NOT RELEASE THE RECORDS?!” card.

Always the goal.

I saw this headline and just went “no no no no no.”

This will ensure any woman who considers reporting a sexual assault remains in her terrified silence for all eternity.

Its braised, sliced Pokémon on rice or noodles.

Now playing

As a ~public school~ (but still very snobby Great Books charter-network) alum, I will confess that my main association with PCDS is Gerald from Wallace and Ladmo. This is because I am a terrible person.

Were you a fellow Great Books student then? I agree, I can not imagine anything less surprising about this.

Another XCP alumna here! I’d like to point your attention to this brilliant BuzzFeed post about more of Mr. Ahern’s delightful escapades.

Reading the comments from the people who signed the petition is heartbreaking — especially this one, “[Gavin Ahern] made us hate being women.”

I don't believe for one second anyone involved in making that pamphlet gives a flying fuck about Black babies.

I want to hear more about this dumpster large enough to contain 17,000 fetuses who are all at least 26 weeks old, since that’s when they start to develop any trace of skin pigmentation. Forget, for the moment, that 26 weeks is past the point of viability and thus any such abortions would be non-elective. Forget the

Yeah I was very lucky my parents could afford PCDS (although at the time I went it was only like $5k more than BCP/XCP instead of twice the price as it is now), because as bad as BCP would have been I’m pretty sure my local public high school would have been even worse if middle school was any indication...One of my

They receive a lot of public funding through vouchers and other funding streams. They also educate Arizona’s elites, who go on to lead in the community, run businesses, and run for office.

I knew a lot of Xavier girls when I was a teenager 10 years ago, and back then you’d get kicked out for getting pregnant. Pretty sure that dudes at Brophy, the Catholic boy’s school across the street, would not get expelled for knocking someone up. Just sit and think on that for moment.

Well it definitely receives state funding due to AZ laws allowing people tax credits on donations to private schools (including parochial ones).

17,000 babies? That must be a fucking huge dumpster.

Missing under “the facts” listed in the last column:

Don’t hold your breath waiting for a response from the school, Anna. I have a feeling it will not be prompt, if you even get one.