
@Kayno: Weird how things blow over when the company says "Sorry, we had manufacturing issues at launch. Please bring your phone in for a free, no hassle swap."

@clearbox: No thanks, a company that makes hardware all but unusable after 1 year isn't really my cup of tea.

@sip: Is it plausible financially? Wonder how much bandwidth would cost, plus lisencing, etc.

@themightyspitz: I think journalists have thicker skin than you give them credit for.

@PierceTheVin: I think the worst part about all those people is that they jack the entire article with "ZOMG GIZ IMA GO READ 4CHAN CUZ IDUN LIEK THEZ IPHONE ARTICLZ" posts. All we need is one of those posts and the 35 people who feel the same can reply and say "I agree". This obviously instead of posting 36 different

@Zerod Zunaro: Perhaps you missed the sneak preview of WP7 too? It was today fyi.

@clearbox: Here, here. Let's move on together, Giz.

@abates25: Wouldn't call this an about face. If you read the article.

@Jacubious: This is the most asinine thing I have read in a while.

@tomsomething: Wait wait wait. You are acting like there are physical rules that govern nature. Like thermodynamics adheres to a set of laws or something. I don't like this world you are proposing. I don't like it one bit.

He's a little late, but God just got himself a Blu-Ray player.

@Hello Mister Walrus: Lockheed was doing a similar project mounted on the nose of larger planes. Theirs was for rocket defense if I'm not mistaken.

@tj: I am sort of tired of going to the aquarium and saying to myself "this is not what the ocean is really like. Where is the plastic gyre? Where are the esploded test aircraft thatRaytheon shot down with the Tiger Sharks living in them?"

@iElvis: Would be interesting to see if the cabin/cockpit temperature of the plane skyrockets.

So you're telling me we have laser systems that can accurately track and take down aircraft flying at 1000mph, but the only video we take of it in action looks like it was taken in 1905?

@MaWeiTao: I had a friend in college who was a tremendously talented artist. We were at a university with a ver prestigious art school. I asked her once why she wasn't an art major and she told me it was "because she likes to eat".

@complextinction: I really, really liked him until that press conference

@kasualbrotha: Their bumpers are sitting on a table backstage waiting for the press conference to be over so they can put them back on.