
Hi Jonathan. I'm Derek, the Designer on Ashen. Its awesome to hear the idea of Ashen appeals :)

You know what really changes lives, Jay? Streetlights.

First-gen Toyota Celica liftback. Essentially a Japanese Mustang, minus the displacement. Still a good-looking car today.

Homosexual intimacy in games/movies/television is just gross to me; grosses me out every single time. I can't help it. I don't have any anger, dislike or negative feelings for the gay community at large. I just can't wrap my head around the idea of penetrating a man's butthole or a mustache rubbing on my mustache.

We all know that blowing into an NES cartridge is a useless and potentially harmful activity. But why did we still do it, even though it never actually worked? Science has the answer.

Sweet like diabetes.

it's like a tiny, magic machete. that or he's like 8 feet tall and its a regular machete. though that would make these GIANT LEMONS

I would say I love the show to death even though it's really stupid. Also, I think Kiefer deserves to win an Emmy every year until he dies.

because he's good at hitting and you're salty, spiteful loser?

Happy to see Milwaukee getting some attention on Deadspin... just wish it were more researched then taking knowledge from a few sources that also don't understand the goal of the Nomad... so I will repost here what I posted on a Milwaukee Facebook thread regarding the "issue" at the Nomad. Please be aware readers,

Finally, this gets addressed.

We need to work on immediately getting "Shake Shack" and "Joe's Crab Shack" closed because it's tone deaf to impoverished housing.
And "Pizza Hut" in it's tone-def treatment to indiginous people.
We should probably close "White Castle, Burger King, and Dairy Queen for cultural

Really happy to know I won't have to run into you there!

In this case, the players buying the ships before the game comes out are the reason there's a game to come out.

They also want to make a game that is fun to play. When did CCP manage that?

Can't say I'm surprised. A few weeks ago he would have been calling this vapor wear and saying Star Citizen was a scam.

"Congratulations CIG and Star Citizen. You won the top of "Low of the Week" of PC Gamer magazine:"

I am a 67 year old great-grandmother and I drive a 2009 MX5 with a PRHT. I have more fun driving it than someone my age should be allowed to have! Although it is my primary summer car, it is driven often in the mild winters of the Mid-Atlantic states. What's not to love? Shade and warmth when needed, and much more