
That’s what I thought as well! I’m not sure if the photos I attached make it clear, but you couldn’t see from the top that the first turn was waaaaay to tight, and once you started, there wasn’t really any way to bail and just walk. As you said, if it was properly constructed, I bet it would have been sweet as hell.

You’re welcome, and I failed to mention that I loved your story!

Love Lindsay Ellis, her video essays on YouTube are fantastic!

As an American that has lived in China for the last 4 years, this article gave me flashbacks to the many instances of “chabuduo” that I have experienced during that time. I love this country (well, the people and the culture, not the government), but god damn do they know how to scare the shit out of you. I beg your

Yeah, my heart goes out to the guy, but at least he isn’t in Goldsboro....**shudder**

I have such vivid memories of seeing this in the theaters with my friends in high school. The place was empty except for the three of us and one middle-aged man in the very back who I am 95% sure was taking himself to dinner (**wink wink**) whenever the many egregious butts were on screen.

You are absolutely correct! Sadly, I am living abroad in China for at least the next two years, but the second I get back on American soil...Imma go crazy on that used market!

Just reading this gave me the most satisfying feeling. God I want a car to work on.

Just reading this gave me the most satisfying feeling. God I want a car to work on.

Chinese lifters are the shit. They have embraced volume training like the Soviet lifters of the 70s and 80s, so their physiques are usually far better than their competitors. Also they’re strong as fuck.

2 seconds in swimming is an eternity. A 2 second improvement over a 36-year-old record is lunacy.

The pictures caption in the article reads

A very effective summation of my feelings on the topic. It’s frustrating as hell, but I won’t be giving up any time soon.

I cannot begin to imagine how much that sucks. I guess this is my futile attempt to remind you that your work is appreciated on this site.

Wow, did not notice the door jams. They are gorgeous in their simplicity, but I don’t know if it’s a compliment to say they are my favorite part of the car haha

I’m consistently impressed depressed by the way idiots on this site find ways to criticize you. This, much like your other articles, was quite good. Gave me a laugh, which was then quickly swallowed up by the darkness that is internet comments ):

I really need to buy a new pair of headphones, getting tired of not being able to secretly listen to this stuff at work....

Your dad is fantastic. I listen to the FP’s the Editor’s Roundtable podcast religiously and his hot takes on international relations are the stuff young Masters student’s dreams are made of!

Just reading about this is fucking exhausting

Why is the Winter Soldier wearing a ski jacket?