e holder

That’s true for most anything like a parking lot or driveway that’s not a road, at least in Virginia, to avoid an intersection.

“Cause somebody they knew said so!! The fundamental reason for most peoples’ beliefs!!

Surprisingly and refreshingly, a number of states have reversed their helmet laws; others are reversing theirs, although it’s proceeding glacially.

It’s not required anywhere.

Probably because the prices and taxes are much less than the communist states to their south.

Virginia only has them in Northern Virginia.

4-6 is NOT “numerous!”

Are you sure it’s not the other way around? I’ve only visited NJ, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sign saying “U-turn OK here” anywhere in the country. My memory definitely isn’t perfect, however.....

They are “keeping people safe!”

It is in Virginia and DC (radar detector, that is). Receiving radio waves is a federal “right,” but those two say it’s illegal for that purpose. Someone will have to take it to the Supreme Court to change the laws.

Or one hand. I knew a girl in high school who had somehow lost one. Her family’s cars had knobs.

Which city? Don’t leave us hanging.

Have you EVER driven a car or truck with manual steering?

You’ve obviously never ridden a motorcycle.

...and virtually everything else. It’s a police state.

I doubt it - have you researched that, or are you going on someone else’s declaration? I have known a number of people who think U-turns are flat-out illegal, and they are not everywhere I have lived.

Or maybe it’s not, and he should have reviewed the law and/or gone to court. Just because a cop cites you does NOT mean you are guilty!

That’s exactly right. The premise is that they know “it’s best for you,” but that is exactly why such laws are in place.

They are there for the same reason as a lot of laws - “feel-good legislation.” Someone, somewhere experienced a “tragedy,” so, in the spirit of “THINK OF THE CHILDREN,” got the legislature to pass yet another law banning some perceived-as-dangerous activity. Of course, it’s the miscreant, not the activity, that should

lol!! Did you go down and watch them as they got ready to start their shift?