e holder

My favorite is “demonstration of acceleration!”

But it was the thought that counted.....

Fully restored, and fully original? Something doesn’t add up......

“Hold my beer and watch this.”

The landing. Dropping vertically from 20-30 feet will cause problems.

If you want it done right, have it done by a professional......

Come on - don’t you understand that his experience, here and now, is all that matters and all that has ever been?

more like “grind and go!!”

Is that the one where he lost his eye?

no - if it’s a small one....

No - not at all. Just a small “thump.”

Probably “Touristfahren.”

Not if they’re not the “right” ethnicity for MSM......

And Jersey and Massachusetts cops admired them so much they adopted them.

lol!! But, you won’t convince him, because the one guy he’s heard speak Deutsch says it that way!!

Except that was a real, good-sized, fixed-wing metal airplane.

How about in the big bin full of the letters he was "delivering?"

That's why the bomb squad guy - he was making sure there weren't explosives on board, instead of just letters. Which the guy could have mailed - I understand he even put postage on them. Maybe he didn't trust the Postal Service?

No - it's because they're OLD!!

People shoot target with handgun, too. Probably more than rifle.