e holder

...for "convenience." But, at this point, what difference does it MAKE?!

Is a date stamp ever "rock solid?" Can't that be set (or not set) by the operator?

"Spoliation" has been prominent in "Better Call Saul" lately.

Never volunteer information.

Yes, they can. But that only works if the work was done at the dealership. Some dealerships might say they “can’t show you the records,” but they have them.

Did you get the premium?

Good - you’re one of the guys that keeps taking the massive depreciation hits so I can buy a nice used car every 15-20 years.....

Not quite - and notice the contamination levels were not so “incredibly high” (actually, just TOO high to be used in normal operations) that they couldn’t strip them for parts.....

looks like he's getting a drink

Of course they can't.

uh....wrong. You do not have to prove you are innocent. They have to prove you ARE guilty!!

They can't and won't. Some of these "contributors" are WAY too much into the "obey the man" dictum.....

Yes - it was obviously destroyed, as it zoomed down the block and out of sight!!

So what.....

...and you only have to wait three hours!!

There wasn't anything to hit!

I'm sure they do, although I've never heard that was part of the original intention. Maybe it was. This airplane dates back to the 1940s.

"...jetS..." Also makes it better, in any pilot's mind.....

Those are the wingTIPS, and they are fuel tanks.

Nope - just a standard way of attaching extra fuel capacity years ago. Some modern aircraft have them. The F-80's were actually slung under the wingtips.