e holder

To try to keep them quiet.

Are you kidding?! Do you think the cops would ticket a "member" of Congress in DC? They have probably made themselves exempt from tickets, anyway.....

You are the kind of person I am mocking.....

Of course - your short meeting DEFINES what she is, and anyone who thinks otherwise is an ASSHOLE!!

You haven't seen her at "work."

She isn't THAT old, but she IS that self-centered.

She isn't really.....

You would sort of need to live here to understand, but she is a "respected" sort-of member of Congress. Quite a mouth on her, and very self-centered. Very judgmental of others, and she obviously thinks this is HER world, and we're just annoying her in it....evidenced here.

She would have to be a very young girl to look "up" to her.....

I think you're being generous with that height spec.

Does Bar have ANY idea what a tiny little midget Danica is?

Don't you understand it's virtually "impossible" to parallel park without parking sensors?!?!?!

"I'm a fourth-rate actor from San Diego who lucked out with an ad gig?"

That's not true - single drivers can use them, too - they just gotta pay, pay, pay.....

not quite as tall.....

Are you saying this is "just another 'phony scandal?'"

I think clarkson is used to being the bully, but it would be fun to clock that hulking, spineless goon.....

the producer was under clarkson - clarkson is the "talent."

Why do you bother to respond?

Well, these are Americans, I guess - North Americans.