e holder

They are, but maybe you're joking.

Me, too, as does anyone with any sense.

i think the article said he wasn't in the car.

The starter is a great way to get your stalled manual transmission car off the road in an emergency.

lol!! You forgot to blame Bush!

The cops are supposed to stop those heaps and get them off the road.

When's the last time you or anyone you know had to replace a stud?

Obvious polluters probably are illegal.

You probably don't even know that they DO have emissions inspections in northern Virginia.

Do you need a boyfriend?

There is something to be said for that, but he still should have changed the filter.

Aren't you glad you didn't marry (I hope) any of these people?

Why would the dad be involved if it was "her" car?

Many people from "out there" really have NO idea of the concept of state governments. They are all under the thumb of their federal government, and they, of course, assume that is the way it is everywhere....

Thanks for your VERY wise counsel, from whichever piss-ant country you live in!

Don't you DARE blame the "victim!!"

they used to tell people to take off shoes before jumping onto those slides. I don't know if they still do.....

Remembering back to my human factors studies, long ago, a dial-type gauge showing the rate of change and current amount of whatever one is talking about is the best way to transmit info to the meat sack behind the wheel.

Not even the cops shit on them - they shot them!

No - that's OJ still searching....LAPD found the murderer.....