e holder

....after he spun out because one of his tires was 1.5 psi low.....

Because all the BMWs you saw were broken, right? Is it so hard to understand that the only reason to take a car to a shop is because it's broken? What if you had been delivering parts for a Chevy dealer, or Toyota/ Would that have told you to never buy a Chevy or Toyota?

lol!! That's pretty funny!!

If you're not a confident wrench with experience and tools, you're not to be doing anything like this!

I think saxman is under your spell - he thinks you control minds!!

.....or maybe he was just on his phone.....

Just 'cause someone "waves you out" does not mean you need to go anywhere.....

Considering your standard snarky comment about people that don't wear "enough" protective gear for you, I would LOVE to know what kind of protective equipment you think would have prevented this!!

He is obviously of the modern liberal persuasion.

What does race have to do with this?

We haven't made nukes anywhere in decades.....

Yes - and I'm sure they got a pretty good whack with the 50......

Just remember that somebody putting up pretty graphics and making claims does not mean they have any basis in reality.

B53 was a fielded weapon!!

That's ridiculous - where did you dream that up?

After "net neutrality" kicks in, you'll be much more likely to find out!!

Little Boy did some localized damage, and started a lot of fires, as did Fat Man. If you want to see how "permanently devastated" those cities were, go over and visit them today.....

You should know ign'int! What does agent orange have to do with anything nuclear? And any birth defects or other health effects are very unproven. But, unfortunately, our esteemed, "hand out the checks to the alleged victims" society has "accepted" that anybody that claims any ill effects gets a check - and the

"...animals born without heads...?!" LOL!! Do you understand that people are living in the "red zone," and have been for a long time, and that the rad rates there really are not much of an issue, except in very limited areas? And that was a BIG (covered up and lied about) NPP disaster (caused strictly by human

....biggest CURRENTLY FLYING biplane, maybe.....