No - it's "attendant-serve" only. The only state in the US with that law, I believe. But their gas is relatively cheap, suprisingly enough.....
No - it's "attendant-serve" only. The only state in the US with that law, I believe. But their gas is relatively cheap, suprisingly enough.....
I think I've seen those at some European gas stations......
Shouldn't one only have to put gas into the car once to know where the filler is?
I've only seen it on rental cars.
"Even the squirrels and birds picked on him!! And the neighborhood cats and dogs!!"
And there undoubtedly is PLENTY of cheesy electrical AND brake stuff under that sloppy-as-hell rug thrown in there.....
He will have time, soon.....
You never know WHO'S gonna be in any vehicle - here, you had a couple of homies what was ready for action - good thing the alleged perp didn't have a gun, 'cause it sure didn't look like they had one......
That kid was well-schooled on how to act. Too bad the thug ain't got not bread!!
One can hold U and Pu in one's hand - they emit very little radiation - just some neutrons, and alphas, which won't even go through the skin.
Unfortunately, I am afraid that an awful lot of people think that all that's needed for a nuclear weapon is to get a piece of U or Pu and attach a fuse to it
He may have claimed he was "forced" to do that by "them," but no one ever did that on purpose, especially during the big Pacific tests.
That is just the first part of step 1.
You are actually proposing people be RESPONSIBLE for themselves?!?!?! OUTRAGEOUS!!
bryan sure is - but you shouldn't be so judgmental....
He's a liberal - he can't tolerate any other point of view besides his (and his echo chamber's).
Anytime there is a lot of (cash) money to be made, politicians will turn their heads.....
Who the CARES about what allegedly happens in Canada!?!??!
You will need some proof. Good will and honesty are not in play here.....
I was thinking exactly the same thing about some of their trucks "catching fire." Maybe not right away, but they might have a later "malfunction."