+1 RIM shot
+1 RIM shot
Well I’m not Adrien Lee who is a writer for MacLean’s but hey thanks for the vote of confidence.
For an even fuller context, why not include the entire history of the United States in every news story?
You mean the reporting that Gawker is doing right now?
Silly question: How is one able to actually trademark “Rio?”
When are the big companies and USOC going to learn to just let it go? I’ve never heard of Oiselle but good for them for sponsoring some of the lesser known athletes. The big companies let a winner slip through their grasp so now nobody can celebrate the athlete’s success? I probably am not the market for Oiselle, but…
That is indeed almost literally what she said.
But only for the promotional poster! Patricia Quinn’s lips were used in the movie. Yay trivia!
A good follow-up to the 82nd Airborne Div account:
He made a youtube video begging people for tickets.
I’m a little dense. What is this about?
And UT said even with the point system if she was black, SHE WOULDN’T HAVE GOTTEN IN.
As a matter of fact, her father is a “former business colleague” of Edward Blum, the lawyer behind all of this.
I’m a long time out of college but my parents advice would have been “do better at another school and transfer”
I wouldn’t be totally shocked if her parents were the ones who put this in her head. Mommy and Daddy were embarrassed that their legacy didn’t hold enough sway with the Admissions Office to get her in so “blame the coloreds” and don’t let her think she didn’t get in because their alumnus checks weren’t big enough.
IT is unutterably sad to me that her parents did not sit her down and make her realize that she did not get in to the college of her choice because she did not earn it. Bottom line. These upper middle class parents need to get real with their offspring: race and money can only get you so far. Granted, it will get you…
And get the guy who sang the Canadian anthem at the CFL game way back when...
Your lips hurts because everything that comes out of your mouth is full of shit. Take some antibiotics, and when you get better you’ll realize the CFL is the epitome of gridiron football, and the Argonauts are the august giant of north American professional sport organizations. Their double-blue colour scheme…
You might want to see a doctor about that stick up your ass.
No, I'm pretty sure if I were camping in an area where it would warrant such a thing, I'd be packing a pistol in the least.