
Hungry Hungry Hippos. That brings out everyone's worst side, in the best way.

Knock? Listen...

Knock knock, motherfucker

Coulson and Skye did have some licorice on the jet - no confirmation that it was Red Vines.


Team Pam is the best team. Team Cheryl is also acceptable, as is Team Babou.

That did seem really out of left field. It was funny, but yeah.

No, clearly it is princess material.

Oh. What? OH.

Someone please photoshop a fez and bowtie on that T-950 or whatever it is.

Ray is pretty much mayor at this point, except without the day-to-day politics and bureaucracy.

The only person I ship with Oberyn and Ellaria is myself.

Margaery + Danaerys is my main ship but I'm quite happy to have Sansa as part of it. I'm also usually happy to see Sansa/Margaery fanfic anyway, so this is pretty awesome and hilarious.

Happy Birthday! Coulson will make you a cake. He knows where the flour is and everything!

Your bags of money are in Jim Butcher's Dresden Files-built vault.

Hope to see him in the get-up. The mannequin is so excited.

I didn't find much, so figured it was worth asking. There is a group based out of Ann Arbor with a great rep (Tickled Fancy) but they don't seem to do regular shows at all, just special bookings, and I couldn't find any upcoming schedule. Alas.

What a dire meme to use for that joke's punctuation.

Can anyone in the know point me towards groups/venues in the Ann Arbor/Detroit area likely to get up to some wonderful, geeky burlesque mischief?