
The GIF is on here. This GIF has always been on here.

If my memory were better, I would promise to love you forever for this comment. I gotta go reread those books now.

I know, right? I would like a tshirt and a bunch of stickers with that on.

They probably chose "violet" deliberately over another close shade.

I want to marry this set of infographics. No color-theme to the wedding, though.


Do you know if the extras are on the DVD version or just the Blu-ray? I don't have a BR player yet.

Do you know if the extras are on the DVD version or just the Blu-ray? I don't have a BR player yet.

It does hint at badassery.

Someone needs to take care of that for Han. Then you can deliver.

This is a good thread, I am stupid excited to see Pacific Rim, and fun speculation and fleshing-out (mech-ing out?) is fun.

I have heightened sensitivity to smells, taste, sounds, light, and touch; most likely part of fibromyalgia. Most of that is a rather negative thing. Cooking smells make me queasy, I get migraines often,etc. It definitely does not grant one super memory/mental powers - there's even a term for it, "fibro fog." Yet I try

If you are Benedict Cumberbatch, I'm willing to grant you that.

Came back to post this. Yes.

Wonder if Cate Blanchett would do it.

If we can't have The Doctor Donna, just cancel it. Well, maybe one of these:

He's not the faux messiah, he's a very naughty boy!

Maybe it's a woman using the mask to help her pull a reverse Tootsie. V for Vendoretta.

+72 internets.

Heyyyyyyyyyy, girlfriend

I started laughing at the There's-Something-Wrong-With-This Donkey. Completely collapsed at the Cock-Stealing Beaver just because.