Erin Wallace

It's ALWAYS like my brain short circuits a bit when this makes the rounds again. Fuuuhhhddnnngrrhh...

D'Angelo did it better.

Maybe I'm too liberal but I don't see the big deal. I wish parents were more honest and say that they're uncomfortable looking at half naked people and leave kids out of it. Kids for the most part don't give a shit about a lot of stuff parents worry about. How will this cover harm them?

I would hesitate before taking my toddler to fucking McDonalds, she's that disruptive. A fashion show?? Are they insane?


North West dresses better than all of us

Unpopular opinion but overall I really admire.Madonna. She started in an era, the eighties, in which there were a lot of singers men and wom were overmanaged. She was essentially her own manager, Sure she made mistakes but she kept focused on her career. She shifted when needed and pushed boundaries. Her song Papa

University of West Georgia '10 and '12 would like to bless Princeton Mom's heart, y'all.

Representative from the University of Pittsburgh Class of '03 also invite Princeton Mom to STFU.

Sometimes they gain or lose weight and possibly pro-create with other quasi-famous people.

Was it "Heartbreaker," Nick Cannon? I always flip out when that comes on too, buddy. Due to its excellence.

And my crush on Chris Pratt just continues to grow....

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I'm old enough to remember their "Fall Into the Gap" jingle.

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Swing was okay. Mellow Yellow was lightyears better.

And I HATE chorduroys.

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Who else is old enough to remember this gem:

Please. Dawn goes into college where her healthy eating obsession is turned into a full blown eating disorder. She eventually has a nervous breakdown her junior year and her parents have to come drag her out of a fraternity house after she had too much speed. After a stint in rehab, she convinces her boyfriend to get

It was a strange time back then.

There are many more independents and liberals here in the heartland than Mike Huckabee wants to admit. He already knows it but that just didn't fit on the banner that he fingerpainted with Scott Walker and Rick Perry during Arts and Crafts hour.

I don't ever want to get on your bad side.

I dunno. It looks like he just lost some weight. I think he looks very handsome, which is not something I ever expected to say about Zach Galifanakis.