Erin Wallace

I may simply be naive, by why isn't it okay to ask a person affected by a certain word or practice to explain their experience? I ask people questions all sorts of questions about their life experiences to clarify my understanding. Most people that I talk to seem happy that someone wants to hear their opinion and

So I guess this shows how old, or maybe what a Yankee, I am. I call my little boy Boo as a term as affection and I associate it with Boo Boo Kitty from Laverne and Shirley and Yogi's nephew Boo Boo Bear. I never spent much time considering why it is such a prevalent term of affection in African American culture.

That was incredibly disturbing.

Gasoline is a base rather than an acid. The bad thing about basic materials in the eye is that they are very difficult to wash out so they can do damage for a very long period of time. Even when you think you've washed it all out, there still could be some there. (I'm a pediatrician, we doctors would rather see

I remember that one, too. In fact, I sort of dissolved into my high school John Taylor crushing days when I saw that cover. He was so fine.

I just had to scroll back up and look at his pants, you know, JUST his pants, and I'm more than fine with what his mama gave him, I mean HIS PANTS!

I hate the way every single frickin' thing these days is made out to be anti-feminist and unnecessarily political. Maybe she was proud of her role as mother and stroganoff maker. Maybe being a wife and mom came first in her life, even above her amazing accomplishments. I know it's hard to believe, but there are a