
“Tree don’t fall far from the nut.”

Well, there’s a large core of Republicans who will support Donald no matter what (though presumably some of them realize that all this whining is uncalled for), but I think most people see the hypocrisy of the Trump family complaining about hatred and morality. On the other hand, I definitely live in a liberal bubble,

How does that old saying go again?: “The “dead-eyed sociopath” doesn’t fall far from the “dead-eyed sociopath” ..tree?”

“I think most Americans are done taking seriously Republican complaints of how mean the Democrats are to them.”

We need to start conducting this witch hunt properly—we’ll throw Trump in a lake and, if he drowns, he’s innocent.

I nominate the WH lawn as the “official donation space.”  

Jesus wept. I will send all my litter box and bathroom trash to your 501c3 immediately.

Hey! They sent those kids thoughts and prayers. What more do you want?

I will join you in this charity, but you will need to add “My aunts and cousins run fake crisis pregnancy centers that terrify women looking for abortions and birth control by telling them they will be infertile and get cancer” Donations of used tampons, pads, empty birth control packets will be accepted to lob at

I’m announcing the founding of My Dad Thinks Gays Are Bad and Trump is Good Foundation. Please donate your used cars and old socks full of horse shit so I can lob them at his face.


Once they figured out the charity wasn’t giving kids cancer, they decided to redistribute the funds.

Yup. By getting jobs at coal mines and making America great again.

Hey, when all the kids with cancer are dead, there’ll be no kids with cancer. Talk about a miracle cure!

Hey now...once Trump’s policies kick in, those kids will have some coality healthcare.

A lot about the election and Trump made me angry, but the differences between how much negative spin the Clinton Foundation got in comparison to the Trump “charitable” foundations got just might piss me off the most (besides the result... and the sexual assault accusations not getting much play... okay I really can’t

His exact quote was to kill “every single radical Islamic SUSPECT” (emphasis mine). So, if someone even suspects that a person has been radicalized, they should just kill them without a trial? Glad this guy is in office!

Thank you for succintly summarizing how limitless free speech is not an absolute good.

He is a member of the House of Representatives, he is calling for a holy war. This is something that he could, and should, be removed from office for.

Oh your innocence and belief the justice system holds Republican lawmakers accountable for breaking the law, is so adorable.