the ghost of eazy e

Conservatives are oppossed to change and progress. It's in their name 

Right wing and left wing are ideological positions, not parties

Alt-Right game, huh.

We had cardboard boxes in The 1980s. They worked fine

Who said we should burn it? We ought to be aware of its underpinnings and much of his fiction had horribly racists elements in it. I imagine they did this to warn anyone who plays the game that the original texts are pretty screwed up. That seems like a good idea, does it not?

His fiction has some very racist bits as well

Femanazi was coined by Limbaugh to apply to any feminist. Claiming it means something else is intellectually dishonest 

When I was a kid (I saw SW at a drive in at age 6) we debated them all the time. 

I think it means you are a replicant or maybe one of those Westworld robots

His chances of winning have always been pretty good because almost 60% of white voters are fearful, hate-filled bigots and will follow him to the gates of Hell, so long as they get a chance to screw over peple of color

Penises look weird. They always have and always will. 

Most penises have a slight curve when erect. Does that dude not have access to a doctor or The Internet

Couldn’t you just bring a wood block in to elevate your feet?

ESB on The 2600?

Return of The Jedi for The 2600 was booty

Take cash out of an ATM and pay in that

It’s as if they realize that to grow their product, they cannot only cater to a small base of people

You have no idea what it’s like to be black in America, so of course you feel that way about it.

As someone who has had that word shouted out, I can tell you that you have no idea what it really means. If he’s not a bigot, then why was that the first thing that came to mind when someone wronged him? Why not yell “ahole” or “jerkoff?”

That word is inherently hateful toward black people and his use of it to describe something he did not like is certainly bigoted. If he’s not a bigot, then why didn’t he use a word like “crappy?”