
This. I’ve been ticketed (while away from my parked vehicle) as many of my other friends.

I’m trying to do my part. Every time I get a client that’s a cop, I try to suggest this to them, hah.

One thing I noticed after brushing and flossing regularly is that I no longer get tonsil stones. Doubt it holds true for everyone, but it worked for me.

Maybe he was just gassy.

Any one besides for the ugly, Bangle-butt, whale of a POS one.

Holy shit my blood is vicariously boiling for you.

Wait, so if there IS a picture of the VIN, don’t buy it? Meaning it might have been used for fraud elsewhere?

The weight classes really help. I guarantee if somebody in the proper weight class had kicked him, he wouldn’t be nearly in as much pain.

Avoid vegas concerts at all costs, too. A bunch of drunk rednecks, they are.

I’m thinking of bringing some teeny rare-earth magnets for moments like these. Chuck one at her screen and watch it warp to hell.

This happens at $80+ dollar shows all the time, I don’t get what the hell’s going on through their mind.

THEY NEVER DO. Assholes who talk during concerts somehow NEVER EVER realize they’re being assholes. When you confront them about it, it’s as if you fingered their mother. There’s nearly always an argument that ensues about how “they’re just having fun” and to “relax.” It drives me fucking crazy.

You probably don’t like books, either. If moving pictures with sounds aren’t going to change my impression of the world, static words must be worth shit, too!

Cus the driver is fat, yo.

Anyone else think that Ariza was playing a little dirty with the Curry mishap and now this one?

Hah, it’s ok. I saw your first post and was like *GASP*, MUST MESSAGE HIM NAO.

I’m surprised at the reliability issues as well. I’ve never owned one, but whenever the reliability guides surface on Jalopnik from time to time, Minis are horribly low on the list.

If you ever decide to sell in the future, let another fellow jalopy know! I’ll be interested!

Do the reliability issues worsen with the E39 M5 v8s?

Me too! Apparently they’re touring again, but sans all the the original members except for the lead singer.