BlackBird, Mexican Clownshoe pilot

I must say I feel safer here in Mexico than I did back in Detroit lol. (lived in Detroit almost all my life)

is that Allen park's Meijer? lol

that hole actually has a function, think of the trucker knobs, except with this you slide your thumb in and turn using one hand without ever letting go the wheel.

as myhandsarecat already posted. this fugliness of a wheel that came standard in most pre-2000 z3's and other BMW's. I have it in my coupe, I'm not a tall person by any means ( 5'8") yet everytime I climb in, my legs hit the bottom of the wheel because its so huge.

I agree, I love almost everything in my z3 coupe, except of course, that fugly steering wheel, not just the shape, the semi truck sized rim it has also ._. I feel like I'm steering a lorry at times.

placas de nuevo leon?

in a couple of years if everything goes well, I'll be using my clownshoe as the wedding car :D

in a couple of years if everything goes well, I'll be using my clownshoe as the wedding car :D

in a couple of years if everything goes well, I'll be using my clownshoe as the wedding car :D

Here in Mexico, the average teenage girl knows how to drive a stickshift, you hardly see any traffic accidents, even if our roads and infrastructure suck. I say instead of turning the country into a nanny state, they should encourage driving schools and better driving tests and not let the average schmuck that can

I agree, I see exotics around here all the time, like this green GT3 RS I saw yesterday lol and we roll around everywhere in this thing rofl people exaggerate about Mexico's crime sometimes.

I always loved the W461 Gelandewagen

I think the last real BMW was Z3 M coupe. it still was simple, still had trail arm suspension, and it's a pleasure to drive because of how basic and raw it is. (kinda biased, I own one lol)

Before I got into medical school, I worked as a mechanic for about 4 years. I remember of all the cars I worked on, the very worst one; a Trailblazer that burned oil, had transfer case issues and a bunch of electrical gremlins. but above all those issues there was this.

I did as well a cross country trip, from Detroit Michigan to Laredo TX in 28 hours straight, then 11 more hours south to Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

that's very neat, yesterday I went to a walmart here in Mexico city, while in the parking deck I noticed a 5.0 mustang, but what really surprised me was to see the baby's seat in the rear and all of the kid's stuff in there.

it seems like PM's are down, but here is my email: I currently live and go to school in Interlomas, not that far away from Santa Fe.

I'll be so down for a Jalop gathering, I just have to get a car that is more worthy to hoon than the Panther body Grand Ma. I drive at the moment, I'm just waiting to bring my z3 Coupe to Mexico. what part of Mexico city are you at?

my old car, I miss the avant a lot :/

from the looks, it seems like the tire's sidewall bubbled up, the took another last hit from a deep pothole, creating that hole thus having a blow out, then the guy easily drove away more than a couple of blocks on that flat tire. I can tell by the markings on the tire and having seen quite a few tires in my time.