Erik Miler

@Charles Keledjian: Reading your comment, apple did exactly that: apologized, offered and interim solution, and are working on fixing it. They weren't just saying other companies had the same problems, they were saying that it is a fact of mobile devices that covering the antenna is bad.

@pixelsnader: Read the story above about how it is impossible to contact HTC.

@Sprzout: find the antenna, cover, and wait, about a minute or so. Also, do you really think apple will leave this alone? There are reports of people getting iPhones with some sort of coating on the antenna that fixes the problem

@bookmark: same thing with the iPhone, it only happens in areas of bad signal. 99% or so of iPhone users don't have the issue. Media did kind of blow this out of proportion.

@Helis: headcutter is a find. I was playing and I found it

personally, everone who has the issue is shouting, and those who don't don't say anything. I personally would still buy one, because I have good AT&T reception, and I'd put a case on it.

anyone verified that this is real, and not someone faking it?

@TheGM: I have to say, I have an iTouch, and it's really useful. I can't wait for generation 2 to get an iPad. There are 2 reasons I wait: I don't want to get 1st genned, and OS 4.0

@Kuwabara Kazuo: I would call Microsoft stealing Apple's GUI idea trying to win. Granted, we wouldn't be where we are right now, but that falls under "fighting"

or, you could do this to a CD case, in a CD rack

@ara: actually, I like capacitive more, as my 1st gen itouch hasn't had a glitch, while my DS lite would suddenly think my stylus was about half an inch to the left once you got to a certain part of the screen.

you say you removed unneeded helper programs. I'm on a mac, and I just left them alone, as I wasn't sure. What helpers are needed, and what are fair game to not start at login?

mostly unnamed, but some named in reverse, just to confuse/make panic/throw off opponent (wifi), such as naming Groudon Numel, and Kyogre Tentacool.

@Nintendo451: Sorry, but apple mice have been right clicking for at least 5 years. They've actually had more buttons than a regular PC mouse. meaning 4 buttons and a 360 scroll. now, there are like 60 (don't quote me, i'm not sure) gestures with a single download like bettertouchtool for the magic mouse

I do step 1 and 2, but in step 3 I form another loot, then just circle one around the other, then repeat to form a double knot that doesn't come undone. it just takes a little longer to undo, but It works

@relyk5: last I checked, they still recommend not to do it, as it can cover the ports which are pretty small. However, I have a new one, and it's not too bad

Ziplocks work great. On rainy days, I just pick up a ziplock I have lying around, drop my ipod in and fold it over. Instant waterproofing/screen protection/case