Eric Veritas Blair

"Greatest film ever made"? Come on. It's not even in the top 10 SF films.

Oh definitely. I always go to travel sites in an incognito browser.

My ex wife used to pull that all the time when we were married, it was very confusing. I'd see lovey dovey messages on her public timeline all day and then come home to a rabid wolverine-woman who was ready to rip off my appendages because I left my cereal bowl in the sink...

Are you saying that it was easier to actually put a man on the moon than faking it?

F*** telling the company. They have no right to know what you do outside of work.

Truth is the cops will do whatever the fuck they want. Fighting what they do is a forced afterthought. You cant stop a cop for doing anything or you give them a reason to arrest you, we live pretty close to a police state people open up your eyes.

For everyday stuff, I feel like I've purposed mine much better than most of these projects... It's my web server, FTP server, SSH server, tunneled proxy for secure browsing while on public WiFi elsewhere, and some home automation (turning lights on/off). I even just got the Nwazet Pecan Pi relay board to be able to

See that last comment makes your entire argument seem completely irrelevant. Just because someone doesn't like the same music as you we are all unable to appreciate higher quality audio recordings?

As far as I know, nobody has ever locked a bunch of Audiophiles in a dark room one at time and asked them to discern between CD and other high quality digital formats using double blind testing methods. Of course, it would be a wasted bit of research because anybody with half a brain will know the results already -

If combustion isn't taking place, you aren't burning the tobacco, and if you aren't burning tobacco, you can't be sucking burnt tobacco into your lungs. Look up vaporizer