Eric Veritas Blair

"When modern electrical devices operate they generate electromagnetic fields. Digital computers, radio equipment, typewriters, and so on generate massive amounts of electromagnetic signals which if properly intercepted and processed will allow certain amounts of information to be reconstructed based on these

Facebook for beautiful white people.

This whole story smells fishy. Clearly he messed with the wrong people and is now paying the price.

Bacon & eggs don't damage your heart, carbohydrates and sugars do. Cholesterol actually repairs arteries damaged by overconsumption of carbs.


If anything Damien's book and his words should make you realize what a sham the field of psychiatry is.

Goal Level 1: Stop using Illuminati symbols to organize my goals.

After a minor heart attack, quad bypass, years on statins and very low cholesterol I finally realized that it was the carbs that were making me sick. I went on Atkins and within 2 days I was off all my Type II diabetes meds, within 2 weeks the diabetic neuropathy in my feet began to reverse and touch sensation

This would make for better splices with some shrink tubing.

I'm torn between Sony Burger and Adobe Provolone.

I have to go with either Sony Burger or Adobe Provolone

Actually is was easy to fake such photographs from the very beginnings of photography. It is done optically instead of digitally.