
You’re absolutely right. Just because the source material is comic books doesn’t mean humor is needed.

What We Do in the Shadows is brilliant, but I stopped watching the pirate show after two episodes. The verdict is out on that show about Native American teens, not must-see imho. Stayed away from that Hitler movie, and Ragnarok’s humor was off-putting to me.

Humor and drama? I expected humor and impending doom and horror. Well, we’ll see soon enough. Not a fan of the humor in Ragnarok, and not a fan of Guns N Roses.

And billions per episode!!!

You obviously haven’t seen Heat.

Was waiting for Jason’s demise for being a dick.

I bet the victim doesn’t use “they/their/them” when talking about Miller. It is ridiculous to read the whole incident with those pronouns.

Andrew Scott was Moriarty to Benedict Cumberbatch’s Sherlock Holmes in the BBC’s Sherlock series from several years ago.

Is it going to be a comedy, like Solo was originally meant to be?

Like what? More Downton Abbey? You could say the same about Stranger Things, which somehow managed to get a bigger budget than all other shows.

There better not be any cute characters in Andor.

Episodes X through XII...?

They’re still figuring out how that works. Only good Jedi can come back as Force Ghosts. Er...b-but, Anakin was evil, right?

I think many of us see Kathleen Kennedy as the Kevin Feige of the Star Wars IP, but she can only wish she was that. Where are Lucasfilm’s minders and keepers of the franchise? All gone to greener pastures?

The Sequel Trilogy! They had a plan. No, nope, no, they clearly didn’t.

Coming soon: Andor, the best must-see don’t-miss Star Wars show since the invention of sliced bread.

River-crossing pants!

Everything he was famous/notorious for all happened within ten minutes.

Looking forward to seeing this, after having seen The Rescue, National Geographic’s excellent feature documentary.

Back in the 1990s, there was a movie called Blue...