You mean Jackie Chan, defender of the Chinese Communist Party, the world’s largest terrorist organization?
You mean Jackie Chan, defender of the Chinese Communist Party, the world’s largest terrorist organization?
Isn’t that like saying that persons of a certain religion have all the power in Hollywood?
You mean like Hollywood princesses having been married and divorced ten times with husbands old enough to be their fathers? Gasp!
I don’t think Moss has ever sold Scientology and its concepts and beliefs through the work she has done, the way certain movies sell Catholicism, Christianity, Buddhism, etc, etc.
And how much does the Vatican and the Catholic Church get in donations from believers? Billions? How does them getting billions affect you personally if at all? Or is it none of you business?
Indeed. How does an actor’s personal beliefs and religion affect you as a person who views their work for entertainment purposes? Does Scientology oppress Moss? Do you spend much time worrying about Scientology? If an actor is Catholic or Jewish, should I boycott their work if I’m an atheist and dislike their religions…
The season finale ends with many unresolved story lines, and adds a few extra minutes of real life interviews (recorded in 2021) of Korean grannies who moved to Japan back when they were young girls/teens. A rather odd epilogue, but it included a few seconds of footage of Sunja through the years, smiling and laughing.…
Interesting that Moura is again cast as a Latino, because in Narcos, it was painfully obvious that the actor could not speak Spanish at all.
Will her lawyers get paid?
That too.
Stupid bragging rights, plus the chance it will be recreated for James Bond/Tom Cruise’s next movie.
Indeed, fuck her and her GOP bullshit. The GOP really wants Gilead to become real.
Kids watching this: What? What is happening? Why is everything so complicated?
“Children will not play the two leads”...? I am guessing children will still be the primary audience this is targeted to.
IIRC, this movie was supposed to be released before Spider-Man No Way Home.
Rereleasing it in cinemas means those who have also never seen Ferngully or Pocahontas will finally get a chance to see it in the big screen, as it was intended.
Adrian Lyne’s latest, Deep Water, with Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas, was really, really boring, and not sexy or erotic at all.
Hey, son, wanna go see the Barbie movie?
Wordle takes about 4-7 minutes to solve...
Still waiting for LeTruck, LeVan, LePickUp, and LeMotorcycle...