
I want to disagree with those who think that the Mother's one flaw is that she and Ted are too much alike, in terms of interests and preferences. My ex-wife and I turned out to be emotionally incompatible, but after 28 years she remains my best friend due to to intellectual compatibility that's exhilirating and at

I think I had the same reaction, finding the movie a bit less powerful than it might have been (it's currently my #10 of the year), but I have an absolutely opposite take on what the movie should or could have been. I was blown away by how much actual speculation about the future of AIs the movie contained, compared

I have to quote the final lines of Lucius Shephard's brilliant novella "The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter," which encapsulate much of what we're talking about here: "… from that day forward she lived happily ever after. Except for the dying at the end. And the heartbreak in between."

As a PRIME-hard, I couldn't have been more eager to see this. It actually exceeded my expectations. Of course It has the intellectual challenge of PRIMER or the best Christopher Nolan, as expected, but it's also an aesthetic experience that indeed can stand in the company of Malick or any other arthouse auteur. It