Black Cesar

Until I got a better look at your avatar, I though that it was Popeye's arm coming out of Bender's mouth.

"These birds are angry"

Can't wait for the review of GOB's first ep.

Guns that shoot pistols that shoot shotguns that shoot missiles that shoots arrows.

What the hell is this? Nobody is going to read that shit.

Damn, damn, damn.

They should call The Michael J Fox Show "Shake it up tonight!"
Go on laugh, you know that shit was funny.

Thanks for the translation. I didn't know what the fuck I was saying.

近日新闻报道称,山东寿光在开展党员登记工作中,清退 名不合格党员,并积极做好思想政治工作,使被处置的党员心服口服,没有产生任何矛盾问题和不稳定因素。


My favorite Urich story is DD Vol 1 # 179. Ben is watching Matt getting his ass kicked by Elektra. It's all good until Ben lets out a smoker's cough. Elektra spots him and as Ben runs away, Elektra impales him with her sai. I was 10 years old when this issue came out and it blew my mind.

Ya damn right.

I watch football and basketball, because to me they're exciting to me. Like really never a dull moment. Baseball is boring as fuck to watch but oddly fun to play. And lastly, I watch woman's tennis cause i'm a perv.

I thought I was the only one. People say to me, "Why haven't you seen Titanic?" I say, "I know what happens. The boat sinks, the end." Then people say, "it's about the story". I then say, "I'm really not interested."


I don't think that Timmy's story is neat at all.

If the people that produce "Talking Dead" are reading this (yeah, right), please do not have Todd McFarlane on your program again. He sounds like his mouth is full of wet tissue and all he really wants to talk about is his gotdamn toys.(at least he's not talking about some fucking baseballs)

You know that gas goes bad eventually, right?

MaritimePilot, I just find it odd that whenever there is some type of problem that is not revealed between a man and a woman, the first thing that comes to a lot of people's minds is rape. I don't know, maybe it's just me.

The walkers were her boyfriend and his friend. They turned and she had to take them out. Sorry, no rape here.