Eric James Dougherty

The dealership owes him money. There was no need to remotely start the car. Just use the damn key.

wagon please. wtb now. :)

i never thought i was like anyone else. or had the same interests in anyone else. untili found this website.Old BMW is way cooler than a new carand i loveTalking Heads.

my prelude!

@jalopnikfan: yea. what a dirtbag. that was my first thought when i saw this post.

must be slow because there are more side streets than highways. more people are drving on 25mph more often than the people driving on the 65mph roads.

@Twonius: it might confuse most people. maybe before jalopnik was getting so popular?

picture of car? what kind of car? maybe this is supposed to be on a different website?

@Ray Wert: no need to even point that out. I have been loving jalopnik for a while now and I havn't even been on autoblog until today. the only thing you have to do is el camino'ize a an sti and make a video, then let me have it.

@irishman72: that is an awesome story, i do the same yet never got that outcome. excellent.

@mariospants: yea probably. but where's the fun in that?

@FightingChance: Yes! that rear looks extremely tall. I guess we'll be raving about it in 30 years.

Fig 4 looks just like the new Taurus. almost couldnt tell them apart.

theres a woman in NJ who has a Hyundai sonata loaded up with so much crap the whole car is sagging. she can only reach half the radio and bearly the climate control stuff. idk how you could live like that.

im going to make my own out of one of these , its about the right size

if that was me standing there this would have been a WAY better picture. i would be facing the car with my mouth open and laughing with joy of seeing such a great thing.

ohhh and dawn of the dead

uh DUH

subaru xt!