Eric Henwood-Greer

Right, makes sense. It's been forever since I've read the book, but doesn't she pick up men as a prostitute in it? Is using a hook up app (was it fittingly called Sheba? I can't remember) arguable giving her more agency—at least more choice on who she targets to worship her—and not "diminishing" her?

But you said Asia. Aren't those places in Asia?

Sorry, it is. It sounded funnier to me at 3am—but I was just surprised someone didn't see when they spelled out TEHRAN in big scrolling letters what it was.

And no mention of the new Debbie Harry disco track? (Which apparently will get an extended version on a soundtrack album)

I hope you make sure to constantly emotionally blackmail your daughter for ruining your life.

By Asia you mean regardless of whether you're in say Singapore, China or Japan, Hard Rock Hotels are the only place to go for Western style night life? Umm ok.

Thanks—yeah, the one thought that occurred to me as well is that, since they were going back and forth, it might seem too choppy or something to change the aspect ratio so constantly?

I still loved her performance, but it was by far the worst of the impressions—I'm a big Judy fan, and without the Easter Parade (and Meet Me in St Louis) references, I would have not been sure who she was… Gillian did say it was the hardest one, I believe for her to get.

Tehran was THE lesbian bar of 1979…

It was implied, I thought—that's why he somewhat drunkenly dropped his glass and used his father's name in vain.

Maybe they felt that they are already all over the internet they needn't bother? :P (I'm kidding—kinda)

Fair points. On the other hand, she is the only one of the major gods who we got any real backstory shown for…

To be fair—why would Shadow ever have clued in to Wednesday being Odin? He doesn't seem like a character who often has Norse mythology on his mind.

Wasn't there even a line about how they were just the *son* of a god?

I know Gillian said that Judy Garland was the hardest for her to channel and… I kinda have to say I agree. I mean I've always been a Judy fan (and a Gillian fan) and I got the Easter Parade connection (though she also quoted from Meet Me in Saint Louis) but if I hadn't, I'm not sure I would have clued in exactly to

Meh, he also defended Suckerpunch so I wouldn't worry about it…

To be fair, Shadow was only in 7 episodes ;)

She's also one of the few Gods on the show who has had a *shown* backstory so far. So I don't really think it's fair to complain, at this point, that her role is diminished due to how she is shown and to imply it's because, or at least problematic, because she's a black woman.

Agreed. It irks me a little (but doesn't surprise me) that the reviewer—rather than focusing on it being one of the more affecting (and one of the few clearly *shown* to us) backstories of a God—seems to see it mostly as refusing to give the character (because she's female and a POC?) any agency… Sigh.

I've scrolled through half of the comments of last week's episode, A Prayer for Mad Sweeney, but couldn't find anything on this—so I apologize for asking here, if it was mentioned. But did anyone else think it odd that the entire episode was letterboxed to full widescreen—when usually that technique is only used for