Eric Henwood-Greer

I suppose with the way networks seem to want to extend any "limited series" that initially was planned that way (ie Big Little Lies) simply because it was a success, I am doubly weary.

Thanks for the link—I guess I've been out of touch. I agree, I hope at the least that they cover the first book in the first season.

I missed that tweet, but I'm intrigued as to the distinction as well…

OK, wait, what?

Yeah—unfortunately all of the shows that drop all their episodes at once (especially when they're Netflix's often 12-13 episodes) often leads me to just never getting around to even starting the damn show— That's my own fault, but either it seems like all of my friends and online sites like this are already through

I live for Nussbaum's reviews—but all I could find of her on this were some tweets—no full review. She seemed to love it at first, then said she felt it completely went off the rails around episode 7 and became illogical and partly redeemed itself in the last few episodes. Which confused me—I tend to agree with her,

But part of the point is how people, including ones own parents, can be so wrapped up in their own lives (the pharmacy was dying, etc) to recognize signs in those they are closest to. It's not like doctors always instantly notice when their kids are sick, etc.

I get your point—though obviously they wanted to play up the male/female teen dynamics in general, so it makes sense to split the two protagonists that way.

I agree—the show is far from perfect, by any means, and I agree with a lot of others about the fact that it probably should have been 10, or even 8 Reasons why, It seems bizarre for avclub to gush endlessly over shows like Riverdale and to have largely ignored this one (I mean, I thought the site basically adored teen

Ah Black and Blue…

I prefer them (but then again I lived in Montreal for a decade) but that's a fair point—they do not work well for sandwiches…

Damn right.

I mean there was a reason that Adam Scott played him in the remake video of the Bosom Buddies opening (not that I'd kick Paul Rudd out of bed for eating crackers…)

I am two episodes until the end—so will avoid any replies here until I am done, but am disappointed that AVClub, with their love of melodrama didn't deem this worthy of episode by episode coverage, ith their love of Riverdale, and Netflix shows like Grace and Frankie's where the reviews tend to be followed by 20 or so

I think that is the main benefit (and it's an expensive one) of an MFA—it forces you to practice writing and to be critiqued and really examine it. Lots of great authors have come from recent MFA programs. Lots haven't. I know I'm someone who really does need—at least at this point—things like deadlines forced on

I guess. I see SFU more on the drama side and Girls more on the comedy side, though it's relative (but Girls would never tackle That's My Dog—or even grief in general the way SFU does—then again many dramas wouldn't…)

Ha that's ok. I wrote it later in the thread

He mentioned that he teaches surfing in the off season. His "real" job is water ski instructor at some resort.

Hey that was Sia, before Sia went pop and was all over the place. Claire was ahead of the curve!

Ah I had such a crush on Tad when he was the co-star with Tom Hanks on Bosom Buddies. This comment makes me sad :(