Eric Henwood-Greer

I stand by my point (though maybe I'm confused by what the reviewer meant)—he was back in Fillory, despite then suddenly being sent back to do a task on Earth, because he was moping—and where better to mope than someplace where you're a king (a king with no real responsibilities—)

It certainly is much easier to reconcile great art from shitty people after their dead…

Ok I can agree with that. They have improved and their relationship has become more even handed (in season one it just seemed like Sol would always cry and Robert would be annoyed and then apologize).

I randomly googled it, but found it well done too. I've only read maybe 12 King books (including some short story collections) but admit I always kinda wondered about his use of gay characters (when he used them). Of course as the list mentioned as a person he has been pro hayctights for a long time now and has a

The review asks why Quinten is back in Fillery only to be sent out on another mission? Seemed obvious to me. If I was depressed and just wanted to wallow on booze and misery I would rather do it in the place where I was king, could be served, and my only kinda remaining friend who was still himself was also king…

I'm a gay guy, I've loved both actors in the past, and they remain the weak link for me. Robert still feels like he's Sol's care taker not lover let alone friend. It's not just that they have zero sexual chemistry together—that could be argued as being due to being late in their relationship (they carried on an affair

I know we all have very different things we are comfortable with watching with other age groups but this show never struck me as an all ages, family show if it didn't have so much pot.

Apropos of nothing, Horror Novel Reviews had an interesting feature on King's gay characters a couple of years back https://horrornovelreviews….

Great points—and your "spoilers" (which I won't repeat) prove your theory. Too often, when the villain, or the horror, or whatever it is, is revealed in the final act and/or its weakness is revealed, a ton of the scare factor just completely dissipates. I am trying hard to think of an example where this isn't true

I loved It when I read it as a teen (though I admit, until a friend recently mentioned it, I forgot all about the kid sex…) Anyone else read Dan Simmons' Summer of Night? Very similar feel and set up (came out in 1991 and, for what it's worth, King praised it heavily) but I actually preferred it for whatever

I agree with a lot of that but, and I know that this is not an original thought, but endings in horror novels (and movies) are almost always hard to do well. (Horror short stories can do it better—for again, pretty obvious reasons).

(And wow he has quite the resume—seems to choreograph nearly every tv show around…)

It is a great song. And apropos of nothing, a bunch of the songs his character was meant to have written for Smash were by Pasek/Paul who wrote the final ballad (that no one seems to like) on the Flash episode. I thought that song was meh, though I'm big fans of theirs (the scores for Dogfight and now Dear Evan

I've heard that the basic cable situation in the US basically allows any word *except* fuck. Cunt is a pretty awful word, but… (I'm glad that in Canada—where it's also on basic cable, we don't get the constant bleeping out of fuck though…)

Only two of the songs in the Flash episode were original—or am I missing something…

Who I took tap with as a teenager in Victoria and had a mad crush on (nice guy). Wow, that's—something. Last time I saw him he was a choreographer on So You Think you Can Dance.

To be fair, auto tuning is sometimes done just because they don't have the time/money to do re-takes in the studio, but I did definitely think that the "marius and Enjolras" guys were the ones with the best natural voices.

Though we did find out that those people treat women terribly (but not gay husbands?)—Ess saying how he'd even let Margo speak in public sometimes, etc.

You mean you weren't won over first by his jerky songwriter character in Smash??

I have a hard time getting through her videos I'm afraid… but I agree with your take (except I like the horse). The film definitely comes to life whenever the Muses are on screen.