Eric Henwood-Greer

Although this certainly wouldn't be true of Miss Bingley in P&P.

I dunno… When Murphy/Falchuk are doing satire they do Scream Queens—which is on a whole different level.

But not the people she murdered without a second thought.

Yeah, if you're a Tim Minear fan (and I mean he was the showrunner for several years of Angel and Firefly) give Asylum a try. It's a mess in many ways, but it's the only season of AHS where I felt it actually all kinda added up to something in the end.

I have no idea why I've returned to watching Scream Queens (I admit Murphy/Falchuk shows are a sick hate obsession for me) but I was kinda looking forward to a review.

Yeah—big paychecks (and even awards) to do over the top, showy roles that, even if they often make no sense, are probably fun to play? I can't blame the cast…

I dunno—I'll give the actors credit in that I'm sure it's fun to play a lot of the WTF camp stuff they have to play. Sure it often comes out of nowhere, and I'm sure most of the better actors are smart enough to not try to rationalize their character's actions, but… Big money (I assume) to ham it up? And even get

"Two problems with this. First we know that at least the three
individuals featured in the talking head part of the re-enactment are in
no danger of dying, thus eliminating quite a bit of suspense"

She does have a strong theatre background (though not really big Broadway projects or anything) and, I believe, at least for a while taught acting as well.

She played Opal on All My Children (a rare comic yet 3 dimensional soap character) for several decades and was always a fave of mine—otherwise she seems to pop up only in small cameos in major pics (an inmate in Shutter Island) or larger parts in tiny indies (an understanding teacher in the odd gay Midsummer Night's

I did too. As a huge disco fan (although my tastes tend to go towards the less funk-based stuff like Boris Midney, Cerrone, etc—) it's always great to see. I admit it has bothered me a bit that they have used disco songs from after the show's 1977 setting (There but For the Grace of God and Bad Girls are both from

And really, how many of the best disco singers (particularly female) came out of a church singing background (Donna Summer being the obvious example, although she left that and the US by the early 70s)—I don't really see the Madonna thing (did she sing in church?)

Matt's an extremely cool person (at least in the limited interactions we've had) and, I think, the best manga translator I know of (I was sad when, way back in the late 90s, he left Viz and so left Banana Fish—a title he had fought for—after only a few volumes).

-1 point for calling it a "soundtrack" and not "cast album" ;)

I tend to prefer the classic shoujo stuff (admittedly going into the 80s—I'm a huge fan of Akimi Yoshida and it's a shame Banana Fish basically flopped here and killed any interest in her other titles)—but I would welcome more classic shonen/seinen as well. Moto Hagio is my all time fave manga-ka though so I welcome

Matt is still the translator (he seems to be Fantagraphics' only Japanese translator). Hagio is definitely my fave manga-ka, and Barbara is one I haven't even looked at in Japanese, so am excited for. (Annoyingly Fantagraphics sent me an email that there was a printer delay and my copy wouldn't be sent out for a few

My order of Otherworld Barbara apparently is on hold—Fantagraphics had trouble with the printing (or so they say—) but I can't wait. ANY new Moto Hagio in English is welcome—I'm constantly blown away by her titles (even when reading awful fan done translations).

I'd hate to choose—again which is why I think we need more gay focused shows in general (shocking, I know). Of course to me Looking feels like it could still continue, whereas Cucumber came I think to its natural end just like its writer Russell T Davies did with his original (superior) Queer as Folk despite being

Did I just imagine that they said this year would have something to do with opera? (Of course Murphy also said that this year would have a split focus which sounds like a recipe for further disaster). God, why do I know I'll watch this show when I also think, at least ever since season 3, it has been disappointing

Precisely. One critic (I think he was straight but I can't remember) complained that there weren't enough fun and sassy gays on it. What it boils down to is it was a specific show that had a specific goal for what style it wanted to take—this is a bad example but I'm hungover and can't think of a better one but