Eric Henwood-Greer

Fair enough. I admit when I put the DVD in and Grave's theme music plays on the menu page I already feel devastated. Back as a teen for some reason I was talked into doing a series of intros for local showings of the movie (just boring but odd facts like how it was a double feature with Totoro originally) and could

Yes. -cries-

Yeah, I only finally got Netflix a few months back and I was shocked at how crappy the navigation is when you just want to browse through titles.

Ugh Yellow Submarine. Trippy psychedelic stuff like that is what really got to me as a kid—for some reason I saw it several times and still remember having the most awful dreams (being trapped in the Sea of Holes with that obnoxious Nowhere Man creature, etc) every single time.

I think it has a more melancholy feel than a lot of Disney, but kids might not pick up on that (though frankly as a kid that was part of the appeal to me).

The ending is (apparently) the book's original ending which the publishers got him to change. I remember renting that movie when I first heard about it at 13 or so and watching it with my twin sister—at the end we literally both burst into tears (seriously it was *almost* at the level of Grave of the Fireflies

It was an crowd funded project, if I recall correctly, which baffles me further.

(Thank you BTW for making me pull out the first four Cerrone albums from storage—been playing them constantly now. My neighbours do not thank you.)

I dunno—I was a dumb, closeted 12 year old when I first heard this song—some friends loved it (yeah—our friendship didn't last) and my top fear wasn't coming out, but getting AIDS.

Yeah I had no idea Holzman was involved with this. MSCL was so important to me as a young teen that I always try to follow her stuff, even if much of it hasn't been great (I love musicals but you can't tell me her book for Wicked is well written, though I did miss her series about a fat camp). Of course this seems

This is a review of the first three episodes, not just the pilot. That's what the networks send out to critics so it seems fair enough. And she does delayed the mic in the pilot I saw (after she puts it up her skirt—different scenes)

SHe did start off (or at least the first time I remember her) in Bertolucci's The Dreamers. A flawed film but not a bad one to have on your resume, unlike, unfortunately, a good half (or more) of her other films.

Yeah there's no denying they were at least hedging their bets that they'd have material should it continue. Good point about the two new writers—I assumed Logan just got overwhelmed this year time-wise due to his myriad commitments, but it makes sense if he was prepared to continue the show but thought he'd take a

To be fair I don't think Lucifer or Satan were ever meant to be permanently killed—the impression I have is they will always be threats in the world

Check out his theatre credits this past year—it absolutely was schedule.

I did wan a scene in the finale of him looking at his portrait, but…

You're gonna have to avoid a shitload of movies considering how many he writes or helps revise.

Yeah—FINALLY watched the finale. I'm…. OK with it, but I don't buy that they decided to end it this year while writing it—obviously so much was set up for the show to potentially continue. I'm not saying Logan's not being truthful but I don't think it's the full truth. (I had her death revealed as well—boo, I guess

Better watch out! Look at you now!

Yeah I thought that might get brought up but it does break my heart 😿 (When it comes to Real Housewives I definitely missed some gay gene or something).