Eric Henwood-Greer

Well apparently I have a short attention span, but because of the mention of Stevenson in this episode, Sigrid says that was a Starz mandate to try to cross-promote with their series Black Sails which is loosely inspired (I gather?) from Treasure Island. Or something. But you know, I have a short attention span.

I call conspiracy theory. I actually do see where you're coming from—but Black Sails is NEVER advertised (at least here—so I could be wrong) under Stevenson's name, and I really couldn't see the average viewer making the connection (I have zero interest in Black Sails—but didn't know the connection). And I have

You ARE kidding that the Stevenson reference was done in part to hype Black Sails, right? (I admit I kinda lost track of what you were saying by the 4th paragraph so maybe you covered that).

*shrug* Glad you're having fun with that, I guess.

You confuse fun snark for not fun chastising.

Well I like all three of those but I like Haunting of Hill House even more than The Lottery when it comes to Jackson. I dunno—cheat just seems too extreme. It's easier I guess but maybe because it's so familiar harder to do well.

Perhaps, though I still find the original Stepford campy. But that still doesn't mean using something accepted as scary is a "cheat"

I love Duel, yes maybe more than Jaws but—-what? Are you saying as soon as a story uses something inherently known to be scary like a shark or haunted house, it's a cheat?

Just caught up with this episode and the new one tonight so I know this is now already, by net time, an ancient discussion,but…

I guarantee there are a ton of actors with gay men in straight love scenes where, due to the actor not being out or you not knowing his sexuality, you probably would have no idea if he was gay or straight. It's called *acting*. I'm trying to think of an example of an out gay actor being unconvincing when kissing a

Your sadness is gut-wrenching. I know this is the typical thing you do—but if there's no hope, in your mind, that the show ever can improve then why are you doing this for you? I really am worried about the trauma you must suffer week after week.

Nonsense. Two of the other people who post the most consistently (and monotonously) on Outlander threads every single week completely agree with you on this. You just justify it better and make it clear that your opinion is your opinion—and not just the ONLY opinion.

Fair enough—Bennett (like many directors of course) certainly could be brutal about such things. On the other hand Barry did miss one of the major workshops so it's not quite the same as being replaced in previews or something (which, as I am sure you know, is common as well).

I admit I prefer Time Masters and Gandahar (as a kid I actually saw the Harvey Weinstein "directed" English cut). They're less adventurous and in many ways more typical sci fi of the era, but I guess I appreciate more of a narrative and, while still filled with crazy visuals, far less crazy.

As a Michael Bennett geek that's the only time I've heard that he was *fired*. He only did the first of several workshops and in an interview in "The Longest Line" says it was a mutual decision for Bostwick to leave…

You know, I have the same reaction (well at least towards the non-Disney or, to an extent, anime, "experimental" 1970s animation). As a teen I was at my most obsessed with animated films, and so made it a point to try to rent and see all these titles I'd read about. Stuff like (most) Bakshi, or at the extreme

Oh I agree with you—as long as 3 is last.

For a brief moment I followed WIlliamson's career very closely. At some point I realized there was no reason to. But I have every episode of Wasteland—his "adult" soap that I think he left Dawson's for on DVD. ANd Glory Days his sorta horror soap…

I rank Scream 4 higher, but I agree it was pretty cynical and one thing that was refreshing about Scream 1 (I know people will disagree) was it was not. Despite some of the characters not being people you'd want to hang out with—it wasn't a slasher movie where you cheered on that they were being killed—which at the

It and (yes) Titanic are the last two times I really remember movies not opening so well and then word of mouth making them blockbusters. Ummm… maybe not to the same level, but….