Eric Henwood-Greer

That's what happens when the only member of Scotland Yard who gives a shit was killed in New Mexico ;)

I'd agree with that. Actually I didn't think the Tales of the Slayers (? I think?) and Tales of the Vampires anthology collections were bad.

To be fair the stage version of Hunchback—which Disney seems kinda not sure what to do with—goes back to Esmeralda dying (and removes the Gargoyles altogether in its current version—the previous hit German production had them but toned them down and made it clear that they were just in Quasi's head).

PunkRockOldLady Apparently, I can't send you a PM, but I just wanted to hi five you for giving this often silly show the review that it deserves, and putting up with the three trolls.

I've suffered from PTSD. It doesn't just come up when I am in a military situation—in fact it, never does. For myself, it comes up when I am around people i love and something, like a gun shot, triggers it.

I know this is going into dangerous territory—as a man who suffered from PTSD years after I actually suffered from what caused it—I would assume any woman suffering the same could be surprised about when it happened again—especially when one hears gunfire. And it's insane to fault her character for soldiering on up

Some people will hate this. I expect a lot of the same complaints as always but…

Cuz, Ron "The devil" Moore is going nowhere. You are going to have a lot of heartache. You won't save much thought wise, because you can just say the same things you have over, and over, and over ton here but… For two years? Why be so miserable? Why not do what I did when I was unhappy with the adaptation of one

Was there a tv series, before this, that you hated so much and felt so invested in telling people who like it that they are wrong, before? You have spoken about how this might be a good show if it had no connection to the tv show. So? Why not think of it as such?

What does that mean? You have made a huge point of not making this personal—that people who like Outander as a tv show are not the enemy—so what does that even mean? You think my comments are reasonable?

AH, OK—I've mostly seen praise for the show. I admit, I've never encountered such a built in fanbase since I posted about the recent War and Peace (an adaptation I was pretty brutal about, but mostly liked in the end—for the record).

Emily Nussbaum, the Pulitzer prize winning TV critic for the New Yorker has repeatedly praised Outlander. You don't have to agree with her (I think she's the finest writer on tv currently working) but you can't pass her opinion off as a "bobblehead" review. Here's one of four pieces she's written that includes

Emily Nussbaum is IMHO perhaps the best current tv critic—and has twice spoken highly of Outlander in the New Yorker. I mean you don't have to agree with her (obviously you don't) but you can't say that her review wouldn't count as a positive review from a respected critic. She has won a Pulitzer for her TV writing.

You will notice that *most* of the vitriol—certainly the most unreasonable complaints—are largely from two very vocal posters (who sometimes seem like the same person). Other fans of the books have shown displeasure with some aspects, but are much more reasonable about it and don't repeat the same statement week

OK, I'll freely say that—from memories—this certainly was better than it had any right to be. But I wouldn't go so far to call it great or even very good (part of the problem was just the sheer repetitiveness of it, like so many kids shows).

I think it's done this year too but didn't they wait till the end of last season to announce this third season?

Have you read the book recently? I love it (though I think the first section with Harker trapped in Dracula's castle is the best part) but the physical description of his Dracula certainly wouldn't work well in the Penny Dreadful world.

If Seward was really working for Dracula—she's doing a crummy job of it. I find the fact people might think she is completely ridiculous.

The hair is not all that different from many "New Women" of the late Victorian era. The makeup on the other hand…

ALthough—it's been a while—but don't they say in Dracula that this info, letters, etc, is being collected and published five years after the fact?