Eric Henwood-Greer

You're right—I remember having both terms explained to me at the same time…

I guess I have misunderstood the term—I always thought it was exclusively about wanting straight characters to be with characters of their own sex. So this has been illuminating (and honestly, this strikes me as really weird considering how much tv I love and watch, I can't think of any couple I've shipped…)

ANd after reading the review, maybe I am not crazy for not remembering any of the details of last Fall or being able to follow the court case in this episode—since even the review completely ignores it entirely.

You have one dark view on "happy and sunshine-y", man. I agree though that that scene with Bonnie and the baby "reveal" was great. Like I posted above, I'm still confused.

Sadly, no. But his bf has an awesome record collection!

Ugh this show. I think I blanked out already on everything that happened last Fall—I am still confused how they justified throwing… whatshername off the balcony. And is that whole case over? Because the sister now testified to shooting Analise and… Wha? Ugh

I am on the fence. I think Kevin was aware how his group of players were riled up and how they would take his words but… yeah, it could be read either way. I'm not saying it would remotely hold up in court, though ;) (I'm confused, by your comment "Additionally the boys present independently involve another player

I wouldn't write Eric's dad off so quickly. Even during the fight he kinda stood up for him (ie "We will find a new church" etc) He seems to be still trying to make things work.

I didn't catch last year, but… Ugh. Though I know the show wants to be unflinchingly honest—still I wonder if they'd worry about showing a show with another gay teen suicide.

I watched (and mostly enjoyed) the UK run. How is it being edited? I know it was a co-production so did they re-shoot some scenes? Obviously some of the dialogue could easily be looped (on Sky UK it aired 43 minutes an episode which I think is just one or two mins longer than the US running time).

Oh I just usually don't go for guys who are quite so… pretty. :P They're trouble.

YES. I mean we all knew they would write *some* of it, but it was handled much better than I expected, and we're rid of Jade.

Apparently you don't watch TVLand enough…

Josh is the kinda guy I wish I would never have a crush on but I completely do—just his expressions alone… I just wish they could find something more creative storyline wise for them (and no, I really can't think of what they could…)

They really did have an oddly hard time finding a love interest for Sutton's character. I mean out of Rich man who disappeared after two or three episodes mid storyline, and Aussie guy from General Hospital, she had the most chemistry on the show with her brother, played by Sutton's brother…

My So-Called Life :( You HAD to bring that up, didn't you. That was still my first experience with the lost of a show—I was 12 and the Internet was new (well, to me…) so it was the first time I remember following whether it would be renewed, or not, I belonged to the (horribly organized and run) SOS, Save Our Show

Up to a point anyway, Eric seems to be someone who does what he's told to do (by authority figures) without questioning. So it seemed fine to me—and then that it all got to be too much by the time of the interview (and seriously, I think I blame the interviewer too. I assume he was meant to be an uber political gay

1 I think that was just a farm helper. I don't even remember him, but I doubt it would be Luke because Taylor would probably make the connection—I say it's just an extra.

I can only say how I saw it—but yeah Kevin said something about going home and left. I think they went to Eric's home (his dad works nights so it's not a big stretch) and then yes, they, minus Eric who stayed behind looking sad with his adorable puppy eyes (that last bit may be open to interpretation).

It just bugged me—again, I get that this is a female centered show but there coulda been something they could have touched on about it being hard to be a boy in a small town in ballet? Not like a story arc, but… That still, surprisingly, seems to rarely be touched (I mean even in the ridiculous Flesh and