
MAYBE I'll actually use iTunes again!

If you're thinking about trying the phone out, make sure you get a case. I got the Lumia 900 and the first day I had it (using extra care to keep the phone pretty and new in case I wanted to return it) the back chrome piece started getting completely scratched up. It's a shiny plastic that scratches easier than

I was hoping this would be a photo gallery...

You must be going to the wrong strip clubs...

I know it doesn't do anything for the privacy issue but WP7 lets you have different tiles (screen icons) for different mailboxes and allows you to group them together as you wish. I actually had my 3 personal email accounts under one icon and a separate couple of work email accounts under another icon right next to

Little did they know, in only 5 years we would be doing so much more.

Now playing

Indiana Jones already took care of the awesome woody villains in boats.

I was lucky enough to get about 4 XBoxes on Ebay when they first came out for cheap and turned around to sell them for $$$. I missed the chance to get in line to pick one up on day 1 but quickly made up for it. Made about $700 profit and was still able to keep one for myself (that died quickly because of the fan

It isn't called OCD, it's CDO... alphabetical, just like it's suppose to be.

It's dynamically switching. Think of it more like it's a 3.7 that tones itself down when not in use. Also for safety sake it runs high if there's one thread running but tones itself down if there's multiple threads operating on the CPU.

That's like the password an idiot would use on his briefcase!

I've been lucky enough to get some help from Adobe and Logitech by posting and tagging them on twitter. Great experiences with both of them once their online barrage of help came my way after starting to post about my problems.

It's the most painful 1/4 mile in the world... at least that's what my legs tell me.

Why is tequila so far down the list? Shame.

I think Estonia has a pretty good Mail Order Brides/Grooms program, you could just order one and have them ship the person to you!

You really think "real scientists" are going to be able to get anything out of online dating?

Online dating absolutely works! After my first wife and I went through a divorce I went online and found this cute girl, dated, sex, then marriage again... married 4 years now thanks to

Thanks for translating, my Ebonics to English dictionary app on my phone keeps crashing.

I hit 45 downhill almost every day without drafting going down a short (but extremely steep) hill in UT. Top speed I've gotten to was 55 coming down Provo Canyon drafting behind a guy towing a boat but even then I had to keep pedaling.