
It's given my 8 year old laptop a whole new breath of life! WMC is too intensive for my poor little CPU but most everything else runs pretty quickly. I did a clean install of my old XP system about a year ago and even then most programs were still too sluggish to make using the laptop worthwhile but W8 makes it

Not if it's just propelling a satellite. Or a greater number of smaller projectiles with a larger column of acceleration would also be more forgiving.

Run with me on this one... space propulsion? I wonder how much propulsion burning 40lbs of fuel gives as opposed to launching a 40 lb object at 5600 mph in the opposite direction. Solar charge batteries and launch projectiles backwards!

...and the satellites would be thrown way out of their orbit by the recoil. Equal and opposite reactions, hurling a 40lb slug is going to send the satellite flying in the opposite direction.

Could be good for keeping tabs on your own refractory period... or keeping track of how many times it happened in a night.

People, just find a student at a local college or university (or a neighbor or some other kid) and pay them $20 for a copy of their transcript

Please keep in mind, if you're have insurance AND you want to haggle over the bill... remember that the doc office might charge $1000 and insurance "covers" 60% leaving you with a $400 bill... but the insurance company is really only paying the office about $100 and they're taking a $500 hit by accepting your

100% cotton is fine, the damaging thing is if there's polyester in the cloth... and even then most A/R coatings for glasses are getting to be much harder (if you forked out the $ for a good one instead of the cheap crappy A/R). Those warnings are also for plastic/polycarbonate lenses. Glass is much harder and much

Or you could snag a little microfiber cloth they give away at many optical places and keep that in your pocket. Much less intrusive.

My original iPhone is mint, the 3G got a small crack in it between the mute switch and the bezel, and my iPhone 4 is still pretty much mint. It doesn't take much to take care of a phone, even without a case! I'll slip it into a case only when I'm wearing one specific pair of dress pants because it'll fall out of my

To be totally fair most of those people probably have snow/studded tires, however, this was one of the first real snowfalls of the season (it's been a dry season) and while they're use to driving with those tires... they just haven't had the reason to put them on their car yet. The weeks leading up to this they were

If you DIY then you could throw in a little HDTV tuner like this [] and make your PC a DVR.

I'm an optician with lab experience so I'll never be out of a job (I know of 4 different offices that would hire me on the spot if I quit my current job) but when I first moved to this area I started working for an office that was corrupt. The interview went just like most other interviews, the boss was a little

If the school makes you purchase the iPad, would you really trust your 7 year old girl taking it to and from school every day?

I just hope they have a killer program for using the books on a computer. If these books are huge (2 gig) and I need to reference something from a previous course then I don't want to be required to reload the book on my iPad. I would much rather open it up on a desktop/laptop and check it out there. Especially if

Parents will probably have to purchase the iPad AND the textbooks, as opposed to the schools dishing out the $$ for them. Much more expensive for families and much less expensive for school districts. I can see this being a big social problem for lower income families living in school boundaries where most kids come

So I shouldn't name my prosthetic eye business "iCantSee"??

I have the older version of the Logitech dock, same size and sounds very similar... Love the thing to death and I've been rolling around with it for over 5 years. Battery still holds a very decent charge too.

trying to wait till they can load Win8 on it... don't know if I'll last that long

I hate Amazon with a passion. The only time I'll use it is when I already know the exact item I'm looking for, I'll buy it, then get the f* off the site. The site is a heap of suggested item vomit you just can't get away from. I don't care about attachments to products I don't have and I don't want to buy different