
One of the main reasons I built my computer (and the thing that finally got my wife to cave in and let me) was that the actual tuner in my new'ish tv got burned out... just out of warranty. The only other way for me to get local/national channels would have been to get cable and a box or to fix the tv ($$). Now I

i JuS LiK 2 LeT u nO iM cOoL aN i LuV mY gOd OMFG i LuV bReKiN bAd

@Jacknut: Didja get that memo? You did? mmkay well I'll just make sure you get another copy of that right away.

@AgentRayBans: you deserve an effin star for that one. Best of the bunch.

@Menolly aka Robyn: +1 for GIMP. it's a really great alternative for photoshop, paint doesn't hold a candle to it.

Now put this same poll on Gizmodo, Gawker or Jezebel and see how the results change.

@dfp3050: What? No gaming console logged in?

right click a song

The Sony MiniDisc was excellent, that's what I lived and swore by for years (until mp3 players had sufficient memory). 5 hours of music on one rerecordable protected disc with all the song information on it was some high tech stuff!

I've gotten some pretty great discounts at stores and restaurants by using 4square.

@Trai_Dep: I'd say it's more like cookies with coconut in them... they might look appealing at first but once you take a bite you regret it severely.

@pixelpushing: Sugga! It's slang for sugar, because they love you so much they gave you a pet name.

They made this thing a long time ago... Remember the SNES Super Scope? That and Street Fighter II were my favorite games on the console.