
@kirby822: oh snap! that thing hawls bawls. surprisingly agile

@DJKGinHD: this was my first thought when I saw the headline.

@ding-dang: that shark would need lasers to more accurately depict my last weekend at the beach.

aaahhhhhh... love the pull to refresh! So much nicer than actually having to waste so much energy pulling the screen down, then tapping on it. Sheesh!

Steven Colbert needs to see this.

@KayKins: The girlfriend was not the mother of the child.

I bought my wife's wedding ring from Losee Jewlers... can't help but dream that I might have helped pay for part of that car

I think this guy made it right. waterproof covers for guns... that IS the single use Kyle gets out of them!

isn't that about the same size jet that powered this thing?

@AndPreciousLittleofThat: it hasn't really picked up, nobody really sees a giant eye ball and thinks about getting an eye exam... they all seem to wait until they get an eye infection and can't see, that is when they call the office!

@muddi900: I haven't tried an m3u playlist yet, that could work.

@sip: or watching it burn!

@ninjamurf: meaning, it will play one song then end, not continuing with any other songs in the folder. The pause button works during playback but the forward button doesn't go to any next track.