Adorable Yet Frightened Sloth

Laura Dern is one of my absolute favorites, so seeing so much of her lately has been an absolute treat. I've never been too bothered by the whole Jacqueline thing, since her actively trying to pass for white has been established from the get-go. So for me this was a really stellar episode, both plots included. Kimmy's

I agree completely. It's a touchy area, but it was explained from day one that Jacqueline bleached her skin and her hair to try and look more conventionally white. Unrealistic? Yes, but it fits into the nature of this world where poor people get orange, crunchy water.

And the new Star Wars! Laura Dern really needs to give a raise to her agent for all these excellent parts

I wasn't really a fan of Luisa-as-villain until that last shot where she puts her feet up on the desk. Her as a regular would be a dream come true, especially since I really want Rafael and Luisa to work it out.

I've never particularly hated gross-out jokes, but that crunchy, orange water got under my skin and the sound of them eating it makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.

Random Thoughts
-Damn that reading challenge felt quick. VH1 better put extra clips up tomorrow.
-It's really a shame how bitter Alexis is. Pre-season she was my favorite but that's gone now. Glad to see Ru wasn't having it either.
-Tamar as Drag Race favorite? Bitch, where?
-I can not WAIT for the emoji rendition of

Aja's "choreography" was the traditional splits, drops, and the like that can come across as desperate during a lip sync, which it did tonight. It wasn't the most exciting lip sync but I don't think there was a clear winner and Nina has far more potential than Aja, so that's what kept her.

Random Thoughts
-Peppermint is too good for this show. I don’t mean in terms of performance, but I just love her attitude and demeanor. I could watch an hour of her shutting Aja down on loop. She’s the only proper choice for Miss Congeniality
-Aja’s “I’m going to college” bit should be the new “head cheerleader is gonna

It definitely was, and that really shows in Oliver's review that he didn't recognize that. I think it was her best week in terms of appearances, so there's something to be said for that

Comparing Season 9 to AS2's brilliant Snatch Game isn't the same thing though. That was 8 queens hand picked from seven seasons and nine of these had their first time around, and a good number of them did significantly better than the more accurate comparison, season 8.

Jeez, Oliver, what's been up with you lately? Peppermint's lip sync was so fun, the Snatch Game was definitely a step up from last year, and the runway was pretty solid. These critiques have been incredibly harsh lately

It's a shame this season felt so bloated because of those first two episodes. They really should have double eliminated Jaymes and Kimora because it's crazy we've still got 10 queens

One funny joke in four seasons is still pretty dire though.

What did this elimination count as? Is Willam not alone in getting disqualified now?

Damn, had to watch it on my DVR so I didn't get in right as the episode ended. Just thought it was overall a very strong episode all around, which I wasn't expecting from a musical about some of the worst people on the planet. I hope Nina pulls through, because she's one of my favorites, but I'm definitely getting

Well, Shea was smart enough to recycle an element from her entrance look, which 80% of the judging panel hadn't seen before. And I honestly didn't like Alexis's or Shea's looks tonight, so it was really a toss up as to who should have won.

Your tone seems very pointed right now.

Don't get bitter, just get better. *mic feedback*

Generally, cisgendered women are drag kings, which is the opposite of what a drag queen is. Others just use the style of drag and apply it to themselves, but to my knowledge there aren't any women that actually have full-on drag personas.

I agree, but that's about the only thing different this season. It's not the contestants (it's a very strong bunch), so it only seems like it's the move to VH1. To be fair, though, the editors are forced to cut stuff off to make time for Wendy William's bullshit most weeks.