Adorable Yet Frightened Sloth

Feels like he got more screen time in this one episode than he did in all of season 6 of AHS.

"They should really just call them overpriced blueberries." -Sarah Lynn

I have no doubt that Katya brought that rubber chicken she uses in UNHhhh both seasons she was on for exactly the same reason.

Really makes me wish last week had been a double elimination so we could cut the fat a little faster. It's going to be Week 7 before we even have less than ten in an episode.

I think that in Kim's case, she did what was asked of her and did it as best as she could. That's also the same week Ms. Cucu herself coined the phrase "I'M A STRONG… GAY… WOO-MAN," so to say she was the worst is a bit of a stretch

That's what I'm feeling as well sadly. Not sure why I like her so much, she just seems to have her head screwed on the tightest

Hot DAMN I've seen that gif of her coming from the rafters before but never the video. That lip sync is next-level

The only time that Kim even placed Low in a challenge was the Bitch Perfect challenge, and I wouldn't exactly call Laila or Dax as ringers for the lipsync in the same way that Latrice was

She's got some serious work to do if she's going to go the way of Adore/Naomi/Pearl, because all of them seemed to at least have some sort of a grip on one area of drag, but Aja just seems so all over the place that a redemption arc just seems too pre-ordained.

Usually, I don't mind a ton of tattoos, but to me the hand tattoo peeking out of her dress in the promo was like a dark omen of what was to come. It's like she tries to be resting on pretty without even being thoroughly or properly pretty.

When they get the email of potential runways to prepare for, do those include these design challenges? I wonder how much advance thought they got about a princess look, because a significant number of these seemed to have a lot of thought and pieces to them that it's hard to believe they make EVERYTHING on the spot.

I think Farrah's hair and makeup saved her from the bottom over Aja. And with Aja, the producers knew they could send Kimora home instantly.

I've noticed that Kimora just has a habit of trying to do exactly what the other person just did, but "sexier," and it just ends up being so boring.

Agreed, and I think that's a good thing when you've reached a certain point in your career. Hopefully there's a performance challenge here soon, since she's proved she can paint and wear clothes. She's the only one left who hasn't been critiqued by the judges or in the top/bottom.

Except that Pearl didn't exactly admit her ignorance until at least halfway through. The staredown between her and Ru was like episode 5 or 6, when she was still just blindly clueless over how repetitive and boring she was

Are all Vegas queens destined for floundering around for a bit before going away? Because I can definitely see that happening with Farrah.

I was so taken aback that a grown adult didn't know what an adjective was that I thought she was joking for a second. That reaches a new level of unintelligence.

Good god, that was more than I realized. Tried writing them down as I was watching the episode, so that's probably why.

Random Thoughts:
-I’m really missing the silly mini challenges that are hallmarks of the early episodes.
-Kimora, an Asian drag queen, referring to costume designing and sewing as a “sweat shop” is reprehensible and makes me loathe her even more.
-Kimora not knowing what an adjective is, and sighing by saying “thank god

This show has never been at the forefront of cultural discussion, but as a college student with an undying love for Lily Tomlin stemming from a childhood full of Magic School Bus, it's wonderful to see how many younger people have been picking up this show this year. Not exactly sure why that is, other than the fact