Adorable Yet Frightened Sloth

When she said "it used to be a pancake," all I could think was "Used to? Bitch it still is a pancake."

Agreed on all counts. Especially with Farrah, who seemed intriguing going into it, but was extremely flat across the board tonight.

With so many to pick from, it's a little unsurprising, but it definitely appears they had to submit them first to make sure there weren't repeats (since they knew everyone would be here)

Exactly. I feel slightly cheated in a way, that there seemed to be so many pieces missing (especially with the 14th queen reveal, it just felt like a redux of the two-part season 6 premiere)

I think the biggest fear for me would be a season of Pearls. It seems like all the young queens that come through are more of the same and I'm not a fan of how it feels like Aja might be getting the Pearl edit this year. She does nothing for me.

This is my first regular season watching live (started 8 partway through) and it's really bizarre having next to no idea of who's going home. I really wish I was able to watch all of the old seasons live without having heard of anyone beforehand but it's definitely very exciting.

You and I have extremely similar tastes. My top 5 going into the night were Nina, Sasha, Alexis, Shea, and Eureka. Not entirely sold on Charlie yet but she carries her age in drag beautifully.

Before AND after it too. What a weird decision. They clearly didn't have anything else planned for their Friday night programming, why not give it to them?

It really felt like this episode should have been a 90 minute episode. There seemed to be so much left on the cutting room floor that queens who talked a lot (Eureka) felt extremely lopsided to queens who didn't (Alexis, who I've really liked from social media and what I can find from YouTube).

That astigmatism moment was tragic for me. Made me dislike her even less (I mean, that ass isn't even that good).

Random Thoughts:
1) As someone both from Atlanta and a fan of odd, cartoonish drag, I'm so proud of Nina for doing as well as she did. I think that what you said about it looking good from far away is true, and it reminds me of Trixie's "I paint for the checking place across the street" comment. Because on stage it

I suppose I understand the criticisms that the cringe humor went on a little too long, but the positives still drastically outweighed out the negatives for me. The whole "dad-chelor" party sub-plot was gold, and it especially used Gene very well (the Sex and the City and Magic Mike jokes as well as the whole apple

You're right, I knew there was something that has yet to air. So many good miniseries to pick from this year. I love living in peak TV.

Good god, the female Miniseries acting categories are going to be a bloodbath this year. Lange and Sarandon for this, Kidman, Witherspoon, Dern, and Woodley for Big Little Lies, and Bates and Rabe for Roanoke all immediately come to mind, are there any others I'm missing? I could watch all of these actresses do little

"She wouldn't leave if she knew I had cancer."
"Honey, you don't have cancer."
"Yeah, I know, but I'd be willing to get it."

If you need any further proof of the Emmys' long-overdue need for a Best Ensemble, then this show is it. Having great actors and actresses like Alexander Skarsgard and Nicole Kidman on a show is one thing, but them being able to draw consistently greater and greater performances out of each other is a sight to behold.

It's ironic, considering the placement of their respective scripts, that people are calling for Moonlight to win for it being wholly original and engrossing while people are tired of La La Land for it being unoriginal. I loved them both but I've gotta say that the only one that left me with an unshakable feeling was

What I think was most impactful about this death was exactly how natural it was. Had he died when Rose shot him, there would have been plenty of hoopla about him, but pretty soon they would have had to focus on the plot of Rose and the whole crime story line, with Michael swept under the rug pretty qucikly. However,

To talk about something other than being eternally sad-a little bummed about losing Bridget Regan as I thought she was fantastic.

Yeah, after Michael died the narrator said something about this being the end of this chapter and it flashed on screen with part 3, so I couldn't remember when part 2 started.