Also from New Jersey--Bobby Hurley...
Also from New Jersey--Bobby Hurley...
Big Winner in this trade: the Wilpons.
Great minds!
Between Jerry Lawler doing the commentary and men beating on women, I’d say the Royal Rumble truly honored Andy Kaufman’s memory...
That’s a nice district you have there. It would be a shame if something were to happen to it...
You know that if this was, say, the Minnesota ice hockey team, he would have served something else...
Jim McMahon, Junior Seau and Ted Johnson might want to weigh in. None can for a variety of reasons...
which one?
Meanwhile, in Flint, there’s still no clean water. Not that it matters to these people...
Great minds here in the greys think alike...
You could have left out the “about Australia” part and had the same effect.
“It takes two to lie, one to lie and the other to listen to the lie.”--Homer J. Simpson
Trevor Lawrence looks like the lost member of the Blowfish.
Her British Culture comes from... Seattle.
Thanks for answering the question: “Who are the Colin Jost for Izod commercials targeted toward?”
it’s right there in the tweet:
“Daddy’s little girl in the hot seat will probably induce a stroke.”
Cross between Jason Hervey and Dan Lauria. A Wonder Years inbred.
+1 Why You!
“Huge Splash”--I see what you did there.